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Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up, Megan and I chose "in the distance" as our theme.  Megan is still bragging about her Hawaii vacation with her image on the left.  :p  Mine is of Vienne.  This was the first time I ever bribed her with a dollar to work for me.  Boy, was that easy!  She even did the whole thing with a smile.  I just hope she doesn't ask for more next time.  

I realized that I usually choose to come in closer while taking a photo.  I think it's because I'm not a fan of landscape photography.  Knowing this week's image would have a lot of landscaping in it, I made sure that I added a pop of color to make it more interesting.  Megan's has it too.  That sea of blue and that pop of red with the white line dividing the image into two colors adds so much more interest.  

Happy Thursday!

Reader Comments (5)

I LOVE it! Did you freelense this or use a lensbaby or something?!

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAngie

This is a differnt style for you...but it still has that Melody signature with it's gorgeously dreamy depth of field!

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

this is sublime. both in the distance shots are so perfect - but together...it is just perfection.

February 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

I totally like to come in close on images. Lanscape is not a favorite of mine either. I like to see the photos, but I dont like to create them. Vienne looks beautiful close up or far. The blur is great. Makes me want to pull out my Lensbaby!

February 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoanna

I love the tall grasses, the trees, the color burst, the contrast. LOVE LOVE it all....I want one. Pick me, pick me! :~) Great work.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSassy

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