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Entries in children (13)


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up, Megan and I chose "in the distance" as our theme.  Megan is still bragging about her Hawaii vacation with her image on the left.  :p  Mine is of Vienne.  This was the first time I ever bribed her with a dollar to work for me.  Boy, was that easy!  She even did the whole thing with a smile.  I just hope she doesn't ask for more next time.  

I realized that I usually choose to come in closer while taking a photo.  I think it's because I'm not a fan of landscape photography.  Knowing this week's image would have a lot of landscaping in it, I made sure that I added a pop of color to make it more interesting.  Megan's has it too.  That sea of blue and that pop of red with the white line dividing the image into two colors adds so much more interest.  

Happy Thursday!




 The girls have been wanting to do a lemonade stand for long, long time.  Long time.  I've pushed it aside every time they bring it up because I know it'll be a lot of work for me.  That's right, I said it.  But I finally gave in and they will have their day on Thursday.  The Hubs has made them the cutest stand that the girls have decorated.  We've bought the lemons and the girls will be squeezing tomorrow.  I will be making simple syrup and baking cookies because apparently "You can't have lemonade without a chocolate chip cookie!"  They have also decided that half of what they make will be donated to a charity so that makes me proud.  They have rehearsed their thank you speech and are truly excited.  We'll see what happens.


Boys- Family Photography, Boerne, Texas

 Inside every hardened criminal beats the heart of a ten-year-old boy.  -Bart Simpson

These boys crack me up.  One day I'll get them to do something really wild and they'll be ALL over it.  

Hope your weekend is full of mayhem and fun.  I'll want to hear all about it on Monday.


The Sun Has Risen- Children's Photography, Boerne, Texas

The sun has been around but dang it's cold right now.  30s right now but it will get into the 60s today.  I know that's what makes the cold less tolerable- it's knowing that the heat is just so close.  

Seriously, she looks right into the camera.

They pose all on their own.

And the little guy, well, wasn't having the camera at all.  But I got this one.  While he protested.

I adore this family.  Dawn trusts me to try new things.  Thanks, Dawn.  Her kiddos are just beautiful and can really work the camera.  If you want "The Bed" session, you'll have to come to my house.  My prop boy, aka The Hubs, does the bed setting up.

Hope everyone is working with their partner and is coming up with awesome diptychs to post for Team Up Thursday.  You still have time.  


Little Miss Sunshine - San Antonio Children's Photography


And I thought my girls were beautiful.

A few giveaways coming up after Thanksgiving.  More on that soon.  Who doesn't like free stuff?