Rain Rain Go Away

Some lovely shots of my girl on this once again gloomy, wet, rainy day. Ask and ye shall receive? Really. It was such a dry summer, we begged for rain, water wells were going dry. Hmm, now we are flooded. Oh, well. It's supposed to be nice this Saturday for Halloween so I guess I'll take it for today.
Reader Comments (12)
these shots are fantastic! beautiful lighting and really beautiful girl :) that skirt is great!
we'er getting soaked in Austin, too! What lovely shots. It's amazing how such sweetness can look so tough :) LOVE the sequined jacket and FLOWERY headband...and those deep deep eyes.
Oh yes, I feel ya. It is cold and wet and miserable, and it has been for the last several days. Ugh. BUT, Vienne is gorgeous! and that outfit is wow!
She is so pretty! That is a seriously cute outfit, too. Great shots of her. :)
So....too much rain now, huh? Darn weather never does seem to cooperate. We've had a rainy fall after a pretty dry summer, too. Not that bad, though. If you don't count the snow. My parents are a few hours west of us and they got 4 inches of snow on Friday, while it was apparently too warm here and we just got rain. Weird.
Beautiful V. Where do you get those outfits? Morgan is destined to be a tomboy if that's what girls are wearing these days.
she is gorgeous. simply gorgeous.
I actually gasped! These are spectacular...the shot, the gorgeous gal you have there, the's too much, really!
Love the lighting in these shots. Do you have a studio now or did you set something up in your home? So cool!
Weatherwise...same here! After all the recent drought we had to let water out of our reservoir this winter. And the stupid govt are building a multi million dollar desalination plant. Perhaps they should just reuse our storm water better!!! (great grammar)And now...after freezing our buns off all September/'s going to be 36C for The Bestie's wedding on Sunday!!! >:-( Yes. It's outdoors.
Oh my gosh, these are gorgeous! I'm with Maya, did you set up a studio? And did you use lighting? Melody, they are just breathtaking.
OH MY... beaUtifuL!!!!!!
and she seems to like the camera... well... it likes her too! :)
loving all the bold color!
Wow, Vienne is so stunning in these shots. The lighting is perfection! What a wonderful way to spend a gloomy day!