The Pumpkin Patch

The obligatory pumpkin patch trip. We make it every year. We really thought we'd be rained out this year but we were given an absolutely gorgeous day today. So glad we made it.
I don't look forward to the day when Natalya says she's too old for this.
This shot is really sooc, no editing at all. The sky was really that blue.
I just LOVE how Vienne always puts her arm around Natalya when I say, "Snuggle!" LOVE it.
I'm almost afraid to mention it but Vienne did not cry once last week at school. Not once. Knock on wood for me. I will remain cautiously optimistic. Happy Monday, here's to another tear free week.
Reader Comments (15)
Those girls are growing up too fast. Where has the time gone? I love the pictures and looks like perfect weather there! We're getting ready to put the house on the market here, trying to get everything done before the weather gets REALLY cold. Miss you guys!
those boots are da bomb. i can admire them on your girls knowing that no one in my house will be wearing them ;).
LOVE that last shot. Wow - what a perfect day for pumpkin picking! And I love the cowboy boots...they rock.
Fingers and toes crossed for a cheerful school week!
LOVE those boots! Excellent choice for a trip to the pumpkin patch. ;)
We just did the pumpkin patch/corn maze yesterday. Our oldest son attending with us is 19. :o)
Beautiful photos.
If either of your kids ever come to you and say they are too old for the pumpkin patch, say "You are never too old for a pumpkin patch!"
Wow that sky was really blue. Looked like a very nice day. Loved the boots.
ditto everyone else - awesome boots and yowza on the blue sky! SOOC - you rock. Hoping for another tear-free week!
that sky pic is awesome! what beautiful beautiful girls :)
So glad to hear that she isn't crying anymore *knock on wood*! I have had a time with the girl lately, so I feel your pain. You know they are fine a few minutes after you leave, but you don't like to see them all unhappy.
Great shots from the pumpkin patch, too. Glad you had a beautiful Fall day, and glad to hear you have been getting some much needed rain.
Oooo, I am SO knocking on wood for you. Thats very exciting. I hope school continues on a good note for Vienne....and you! The fact that she tells her sister to "snuggle" is priceless! Great moments captured. Especially the SOOC.
Great photos. Hope the non-crying is still going well. So good for *you* when you can send her to school without tears.
Wow, you did the pumpkin patch after a day of country fairin? You're good. We are lucky to live in a place that still has such beautiful blue skies.
That last shot is adorable! Love the boots!
Your girls make the pumpkin patch look so hip in those boots.
ohhhhhhh... i love that one of them!
and their BOOTS... we need those! :)