Hot Dog

Rockey Dog. Still looney. She chewed up a pair of sun glasses that belonged to one of V's baby dolls. Vienne was not happy. Roc is either crying out for desperately needed attention (uh, no) or she is reverting back to her puppy years for some reason. Any dog psychologists out there? Where is Caesar when you need him.
It's supposed to be 92 degrees today here in South Texas. It's still Winter mind you. The record to beat is 93 degrees. Anyone wanna move to Texas?
Reader Comments (6)
maybe for a day or two.... just to escape this cold we can't seem to snap out of up here in IL....
Is your heat dry or do you get humidity too?
We have 2 Jack Russells and they both revert back to LOOONEY from time to time...I think it's just the breed.....little non-stop psychotic loveable furballs!
Ceasar... he is such the charm! love him!
We had two Jack Russells! They are super active dogs... need loads of activity. When our little JR didn't get worn into the ground chasing her ball... she would act out... act looney... plain crazy! Too much pinned up energy! She jumped out & over our 4 1/2 foot fence all the time! Oh... I miss her! Rockey is the cutest doggie... my goodness!
I want to come back to Texas! :)
Hey...we warmed up to almost 60 yesterday and I was happy with that, but not anymore! It's high of 40 here today. Damn I miss that SA heat!
Hee..can't help with the dog psychology - but when I opened the picture Addie squealed, "OOOOHHH! Cute puppyyyyy!" She would take your loony puppy any day of the week.And J. wants a Jack Russell...I may be outvoted around here.
Rocky likes having her picture taken methinks...