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More Randomness


Natalya was treasure hunting in the backyard today and found this.  It's a five leaf clover.  Are they common?  I know it's rare to find a four leaf clover.   It died so quickly after she picked it.  She was a little disappointed but I guess another lesson learned.  I told her that it's supposed to be lucky when you find a four leaf clover.  She said, "I know.  But I'm already lucky." 


Vienne had her Easter egg hunt at school today.   15 kids scrambling around the playground trying to find the big prize.  Is there a holiday that we can celebrate without candy?  Part of me whats to bring her home and put all of the candy that she got today in front of her.  Then I want to say, "Eat up.  Eat it all.  Don't leave a single piece behind.  Don't get up until it's all gone."  She may have a tummy ache but I won't hear for the next two weeks, "Can I have candy now?  Can I have candy after lunch?  When I wake up can I have candy?"  She is the best eater.  She will chose fruit over dinner.  She eats her veggies.  But boy does she have a weakness for candy.

Reader Comments (9)

We still have a ton of candy left from Valentines Day ( and I threw away the Christmas candy to make room for that!). I only let Lauren have one a day, which is probably why it lasts so long, but still... it is tiresome having to hear about it all the time.

I have never seen or heard of a five leaf clover. That's really cool!

March 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim

Looks like it's a HUGE basket full of candy too !!!

I've never heard of a five leaf clover either ...

March 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie

that five leaf clover is very cool. we invited the "candy fairy" into our house for halloween this year and all but one or two pieces went with her to children's hospital (she left us a note...and some pokemon cards)...after all the v-day candy came in, my son immediately announced that the candy was all for the candy fairy (without prompting). she left him another note and some pokemon cards. not a bad gig if you ask me. then again, he's the same kid who bit into a reese's peanut butter cup and told me he didn't like it. so maybe he just doesn't get it. (don't worry, the pb cup did *not* go to waste!)

March 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterphyllis

I've never seen a five-leaf clover. It must be super-lucky!

March 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlissa

I think that a 5 leaf clover must be the luckiest of all! If you want to save one (in case she finds another one) I have had good luck just putting it between two pieces of clear tape. And great shot of the clover!

And I agree about all the candy. I have a weakness for candy too, but even still - enough is enough!

March 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie

yeah...we have a "sweet-tooth" kid over here, too. i just got rid of the christmas candy...and the v-day candy is going to disappear before next week, too!

those photos are fantastic...I love the red shoes!

March 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

one precious LUCKY one! five leaf clovers are only found by VERY special people! :)

March 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarissa

That picture of her is just lovely! Oh, and I hear you on the candy. I think we still have some stuff leftover from Halloween...I'm a mean mom. I don't want them to have much candy. If they have my teeth, they are in for a lifetime of cavity fills, and I want to give them a decent start.

March 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

As a child I used to sit in the clover patches for hours at my grandparents house and look for four leaf clovers (and sometimes even find a five leaf) then I would press them in my Granny's books - some of which got permanently lost in her library of books.

As for candy. Ugh, I don't want to think about it. lol. Vienne is adorable in that photo, though!

March 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRose

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