Photographer Crossing

Practicing my cross processing. It' s so fun when you learn something new. This little stretch of road is so cute.
Not sure why I had time to kill this day, but was driving around our sweet little town and come across this sign. So I stopped to take a picture of it. Not 10 seconds later, I saw this...
It made my day. When I pulled up to them, they didn't even hurry along. Like they knew they had a sign and this was their road.
On another note, it hit a record high of 96 degrees yesterday. The previous record was 93 degrees set in 1971. Hmmm. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.
Reader Comments (7)
Oh those are terrific! I love those signs - we used to have one near our house in Chicago and I LOVED the sign...and then to see the ducks, too! Perfect. I like the processing a lot, too!
96 degrees? Wow. That's HOT! And it's only March!
Love the photos. Those ducks are too cute!
love love love the ducks. too cute.
um....i just want it to be warmer than 35 degrees so maybe 90 wouldn't be so bad? i think i'd rather settle somehwere in the middle...
Awwwww. Spring has sprung. We have signs like that too...and ones for koalas!!!
Oh, so cute!
When we lived in Florida, we had "alligator crossings". Here in our part of SA, it's deer crossing. I prefer that SO much more than the former.
Very cute and serendipidous! Wow, that is a really warm day. We don't get that warm here until July usually.
That is so sweet! I wish there were signs like that around my house!