The Sun Has Risen- Children's Photography, Boerne, Texas

The sun has been around but dang it's cold right now. 30s right now but it will get into the 60s today. I know that's what makes the cold less tolerable- it's knowing that the heat is just so close.
Seriously, she looks right into the camera.
They pose all on their own.
And the little guy, well, wasn't having the camera at all. But I got this one. While he protested.
I adore this family. Dawn trusts me to try new things. Thanks, Dawn. Her kiddos are just beautiful and can really work the camera. If you want "The Bed" session, you'll have to come to my house. My prop boy, aka The Hubs, does the bed setting up.
Hope everyone is working with their partner and is coming up with awesome diptychs to post for Team Up Thursday. You still have time.
Reader Comments (8)
Beautiful pics! Is that in your yard? The San Antonian in me is jealous (well, and the photographer in me too)!
Too funny, does he go out and set the bed up everytime? That is so sweet!
How creative! And what gorgeous kids.
Love it! What a fun shoot. And I really like those pillows.
Melody, were you in Gruene for fun or for a photo shoot?
I love the sunshine raining down on the images and the soft washed out look to them. Nice very nice!
I commented to Megan about participating in team up Thursday then didn't hear anything back. Is it closed? or is still possible to play in the future? Just curious.
Love these shots! I wish I had a bed...and some area to put it in. Those are so fun. :) about MAGICAL...these photos make me swoon. And nothing makes me want to swoon anymore. Well done!