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Entries from December 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009


On the Sixth Day of December

S. Texas's version of snow.

So Friday we got a little bit of snow flurries.  Yay.  You never know with South Texas weather.  But they showed up for a short time.  A few and none stuck.  But while I was watching them come down, I got sad thinking about how excited the girls would have been to see it.  They of course were at school.  So I emailed Vienne's kinder teacher saying that it was snowing out at our house, maybe if you saw it you could let the kids look out the window, I'm sad they could miss it.  A few moments later she emailed back saying that they had just come in, they let the kids go out to play in it.  I cried, I was so happy for them!  Vienne was so happy when she got home.  Natalya on the other hand said that her teacher said it was too cold.  Hmf.  It's disappointing to think that lots of the fun gets lost as you get older.  

Speaking of really really cold.  I might not have mentioned that but it is really really cold.  I ordered a coat on Thursday night.  A nice cold weather coat.  Down in these parts generally it gets cold but doesn't stay cold.  So I can really talk myself out of a cold weather coat.  I have lots of nice coats but not so warm.  Well I ordered it on Thursday night and I got it on Friday!!  I paid no shipping at all.  Awesome company Zappos is.  Check 'em out if you have been living under a rock.

(Don't forget about the giveaway.)


On the Fourth Day of December- Another Giveaway

Thanks to all that entered my last giveaway.  I liked the last giveaway so much that I've got another one.  This one is for some really cute handmade stuff from an etsy seller.  She has two shops, Cosa Bello and Stell and Livi.  For the holidays, she has adorable handmade ornaments.  And for the everydays, she has extra extra adorable felt party hats and more.  To win, go to her shops and look around.  Come back here and leave a comment telling her what you'd love to win.  If you win, that item is yours.  Leave a comment through Monday, Dec. 7 and I will announce a winner on Tuesday, Dec. 8.  Easy as buttermilk pie (which by the way is super easy to make and yummy.)  

I always say that a mom of all boys is definitely the queen.  These boys are so adorable.

And so fun.  They never complained and posed and loved every minute of their session.

Well, it's cold in Texas.  Cold.  We really hoped for snow 'cause they said there could be.  We know Texas weather better than that- cold today, hot tamale.  Bu it just happens to be the perfect weather for my new all time favorite song in the whole wide cold world.  Pearl Jam has a new song out called Just Breathe.  Just listen and love.


On the Third Day of December

Had to share this postcard template that I found.  Was looking around the other day and found it.  You could easily print these anywhere with your picture on one side.  Free, fun, wow can't think of another "f" word.  Fenjoy!

And now the winner of the camera ornament is... Joanna!  Congrats, Joanna.  I have another giveaway for tomorrow so come back and play again.


On the Second Day of December- He's Baaack


Hurmey's back.  The girls were SO excited to see him.  Even Natalya.  I was a little concerned after last year's incident and seeing that she's almost nine.  But they both wrote him letters and can't wait to see where he'll be tomorrow.  Vienne just can't stand it that she can't hold him.  She really wants to feel him.  Oh magical Hurmey.  What kind of trouble will you get into this year?

(Oh, don't forget about the giveaway on my last post.  Ends today.)

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