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Entries from December 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009


On the Fourteenth Day of December


Have you tortured your dog lately?  Not really tortured of course.  She's a good sport.  This is My Best Shot for today.  What's yours?


On the Eleventh Day of December

Hurmey chillin' and illin' in his new duds.

Not sure how everyone else's elf rolls but our elf is one that leaves every night to go back to the North Pole to report to Santa on how the kiddos are doing each day.  Well, some days the girls wake up to find that Hurmey has not moved.  Not even budged.  I've come up with a few reasons, one being that maybe the girls did something bad and he is giving them another chance to do good before he goes back to Santa.  That works maybe twice.  Then the girls think about it and say, "We were really good yesterday though."  Oops.  Yes you were.  So we had to come up with other reasons.  Our latest reason is that maybe Hurmey is just too cold (a stretch maybe seeing as though he is from the North Pole.)  So the girls decided to leave him some clothes.  Groovey Girl clothes apparently suit him just fine.  He left and came back this morning with a little bit of attitude sporting a pink vinyl jacket with animal print sleeves and khakis.  The girls were happy.  We think Hurmey is, too.


On the Ninth Day of December- Eco Friendly Gifts

First off, the winner of the item from Cosa Bella or Stell and Livi is Dawn who said:  "I love the tote with the bird on it. If I was to win it, I would actually pay it forward and give it as a christmas gift to a friend that loves birds and hand made gifts....how perfect."  Dawn, I will email you. 

There is now 16 days (including today I think) left to shop.  In case you need some help, here's a list of green gifts:

  • Paper made from horse poo.  Nope that's not a typo.
  • Eco friendly playing cards.  You know, the old fashioned kind, just cards.  The Bicycle site is real cool in that you can search and find the rules to tons of card games.  You might find that handy when you get to Winter break.  Does anyone remember Slap Jack?
  • Awesomely great soy candles.  I have some and they smell so good.  And the packaging is just as nice.
  • This clock made from a vintage camera is just TOO cool.  If someone wanted to buy if for me they'd be my best friend.  Would someone hit my husband on the head with a subtle hint?  
  • Grow A Note Cards.  Once these cards are read and enjoyed, they can be planted and flowers grow.  Ingenious.  
  • Green Toys- toys made out of recyled milk jugs.
  • So cute dress made from recycled tshirts.
  • A wood ipod docking station.  How do people come up with these ideas?

In case you haven't seen this Gap commercial, you really have to.  It's SO cute.  I have watched it so many times.  It definitely makes me want to buy everything they have on.  

Vienne is better and will be back at school tomorrow.  Thanks to all those that ask.  At least I get two days to catch up on things.  We really need food cause I haven't been to the grocery store.  


On the Eighth Day of December- Boerne, TX Child Photography

Last Spring I donated a photography session to the preschool where Vienne went at the time.  I had everything set out for me to take with my on the day of the auction for the display table.  The display photo, the marketing postcards.  It's a good thing that they already had the display certificate because I get all the way to the auction site with nothing.  No pictures to look at, no business cards of any sort.  I was so worried that no one would bid.  But one bidder bid on faith that I would be worthy.  I guess.  I don't know.  It was this adorable family.  Thanks adorable family.

This is Princess Arial (she renamed herself that) and she's showing me her dance moves.

Vienne had me on the couch or the bed all yesterday.  My poor little bug is still not well.  I tell her to keep telling the sick germs to go away.  So she starting to say, "Knock knock Vienne's not home she's at Target go away germs."  She's funny.  Dont' forget, this is the last day of the giveaway.  Check out the cute stuff if you haven't yet.


On the Seventh Day of December

A sneak peek at our Christmas card.  

This will be my Best Shot for today until I can show the rest.  I can't wait to show the rest.  I have been so busy with everyone else's pictures that I seriously almost forgot that I needed to do our picture and card.  So this weekend I threw this together and we got the shots pretty quickly.  The girls are older and easy to work with and they know what it means when I say, "As soon as I get a good one we can stop."

Vienne is home from school today with the weasles.  Not the measles.  The weasles.  That's what she calls it when she get wheezy.  But it's been unusually cold these last few days and I think it's effecting her breathing.  She's pretty yucky today.  The weasles.

Have a happy Monday.  The giveaway is still going on through tomorrow so go and enter.  Cute stuff to win.