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Entries from December 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009


On the Twenty Fifth Day of December


Wishing your family health and happiness this holiday and in the new year.

Love, Melody and family


On the Twenty Fourth Day of December

Yesterday we did our new annual tradition of taking the girls to downtown San Antonio.  We walked around, checked out the sites and Christmas lights and stayed in a hotel.  Of all the cool things to do the girls love staying in the hotel the best.  In fact, several times in the evening they ask, "When are we going back to the hotel?"  


A gingerbread Alamo in the lobby of the hotel.

Two happy girls.  This is the big tree in front of the Alamo.  They still let me match them.  :)

Last year we were freezing.  This year we got snow cones.  

Carriage rides to end the night.

December 24 also happens to be the Hubs' birthday.  So the girls made him a cake this morning.  

His cake was 80% frosting and sprinkles, 20% cake.

Yesterday was pretty warm but today it is in the 40s.  Crazy Texas weather.  I'm glad that it wasn't cold yesterday because I would have worried about Vienne the whole time we were out.  The girls have been pacing the house today with excitement.  I think they will watch A Christmas Story for the first time tonight.  Have a great Christmas Eve.  Don't forget carrots for the reindeer.


On the Twenty Third Day of December



On the Twenty Second Day of December


A few days ago Hurmey thanked the girls for his warm clothes with a new Groovy Girls scooter.  They imagined that he had a lot of fun scooting around the house before he gave it up.

The next day he brought a friend to enjoy the scooter with.  I'm not sure I would trust an elf with those eyes.

This morning we got our reminder that we HAVE to bake cookies.  The elf has waited patiently for them.  Oh, and he snacked on a pear that Vienne left him.  I wish he would have organized my pantry.  

Today I started to think that there could have been a few more things I would have liked to do before the 25th.  But I'm doing my best just to let them go.  It's amazing how hard it is even though I truly know that they are not important.  V reminded me today that the most important thing is our family.  She's a smart girl.


On the Twenty First Day of December

I guess I'd have to say that this December goes in the books as the craziest.  I'm real good about always keeping our holiday sane but just couldn't help it this year.  Things were out of my hands.  And that's what always makes it worse.  

Some of you already know that last week was pretty scary.  My little V ended up in the hospital with a bad case of pneumonia.  It started off as just a sick weekend and then a trip to the ER on Monday thinking that the docs would send us home with flu meds.  But instead they put me and V in an ambulance and admitted her into the children's hospital.  That was the start of a long 4 days filled with poking, prodding, sleepless nights, fear, restlessness and everything else that we shouldn't be dealing with this time of year.  But my baby fought through and with the help of wonderful visitors and a fabulous nurse she is out.  Not fully healthy yet but we're working on that.  

I still look at her today and remember how afraid she was every time someone with a hospital gown came in.  She didn't want to get hurt.  It's hard to convince a 5 year old that the pain will make you better and that "everyone here wants to see you get well."  We spent one long night in the same room with a 7 month old boy who "didn't have any parents" as everyone said.  He was a foster care baby.  Sweet as can be, cute cute.  But when he cried it took time for someone to come.  After he got his treatments the staff left and he was on his own.  I just can't imagine his life next to ours.  V had everything at that moment.  And all everything was was a rub on the head to help her sleep.  A firm hold and the words "it'll be over soon" when a needle came her way.   A kiss on the cheek when she cried and said she wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed.  We truly have it all.  Sometimes it takes a fragile moment to be reminded of it.

As a motivator to get through tough times I told V that when she got out of the hospital that we'd catch up on things and wouldn't miss anything.  Although she did get to see Santa twice at the hospital!  And boy did she get spoiled with nice gifts from everyone that loves her.  And who wouldn't love a bed that goes up and down.  Anyway, we made it to sit on Santa's lap on Saturday and decorated a gingerbread house.   

Why is it that my stronger willed child (read as stubborn) is the weaker child?  She will always keep me on my toes.

Waiting in line to see Santa with the list.

Really freaky but I thought Santa looked a LOT like my dad this year.  What do you think Dad?  Seriously freaky weird.  And not just a resemblance.  Like if my dad grew a longer white beard, that up there would be him.  I'm gonna have to get a picture of my dad posed like this and do a side by side.  Anyway, this is Santa reading Vienne's list.  This is My Best Shot for this last Monday before Christmas.  

Kiss your family, take an extra minute to enjoy what you might have passed up otherwise.  You never know what tomorrow might bring.