On the Twenty Ninth Day of December

Natalya asked Santa for a metal detector. She has lofty thoughts of finding something really cool one day.
Natalya asked Santa for a metal detector. She has lofty thoughts of finding something really cool one day.
Reader Comments (7)
Maybe there's gold in them hills! What a cool gift! She's going to have tons of fun.
Wow, that brings back memories - my brother had a metal detector, and LOVED to use that thing. We found countless bottle caps. :)
that made me laugh out loud..so cute. i love the funny things kids ask to recieve. I hope she finds what she is looking for.
what a great gift request! i hope she does find something!!
that is too funny. i don't think that's a common gift request for a young girl, but hey, when she finds a fortune and you can all retire...;)
awww...she really IS your little scientist!
i have ALWAYS wanted one of those... so neat. adventurous one there!