On the Ninth Day of December

Santa visits me in a brown suit and comes before Christmas eve. And unless someone else is here to intercept, I open my gifts early. I can't wait. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before how my sister and I opened everyone of our gifts early and taped them back up. I can't remember how old we were, about 8 and 7. I'm pretty sure it was my idea. Anyway, my cool gift this year is a handy dandy video cam. Handy because it's sooo small, I can fit it in my pocket. Dandy because I record and immediately upload to the computer. No videos forever stuck on tape. Fun with a capital "F"! Here was my first video attempt. Vienne has been singing this song for weeks. I'm guessing it's one of the songs they will be singing for their preschool Christmas program. I LOVE her voice. It's still so sweet and high pitched. And she has a chocolate milk mustache.
You will not be able to resist telling me how cute she it.
Reader Comments (16)
You are totally right, I can't resist. She is ADORABLE!
You are right...she's SO CUTE!
Love that Flip! Isn't is totally awesome??
too much that you are still opening your presets early
Further proof of her adorableness. :) I want a videocam, too. Someday perhaps.
Ahh, a fellow sneaky person! I would look in the the "to be shredded" reciept box!! Or if it was wrapped, I would peel a tiny bit, peak and know exactly what I was getting every year....and I liked it that way ;)
Your little singer is adorable!
What a doll. Its so nice to see kids in motion rather than in a photograph, sometimes. Its adds so much to thier personality. She is adorable!
Your right; I can't resist it she is soooooo adorable!
Oh My....it does not get any sweeter than than...call the dentist. Stat!
Yep, she is adorable. I got my husband one of those for Christmas. If he doesn't use it, I know who will!!!
She's more than cute - she's adorable! eee, love that sweet voice! Those Flips look so stinkin' cool, I want one! but shame on you, opening your presetns early. ;)
yes, i cannot resist the cuteness that is V. gah.
I love Vienne's version of this song even better than the recording I have of Harry Connick Jr. singing it...
And, as for opening your presents early, well, I'm right there with ya, sister. It takes true talent to carefully open up wrapped presents under the tree...and then tape them back once you found out what was inside that pretty wrapping paper.
My parents never even knew.
OMG......totally adorable :o)
Oh, I so want a flip video!!! The baby is sleeping right now in the room I'm in, so I can't watch the video right now...I will have to come back!
Oh yes, so sweet! I just love kids singing too. I always have a tear at the school performances. About your other video of the dog... my dog would always bark endlessly when I got any kind of camera out-still or video. It would drive me mad!
Mary, Joseph, Jesus tried? Unquestionably a better version!
NICE Christmas present M! I look forward to seeing more real life stuff over here from you Hipsters.