On the Tenth Day of December

It snowed. It's very unusual to snow in South Texas so we will take what we can get. And we didn't get much. But the girls were so excited to wake up this morning to see it. I only wished it would stick around until they got home from school so that they would have a chance to play with it. It's already gone.
Reader Comments (17)
Is it already the 10th????
That's more than we ever see, a nice dusting and no shoveling sounds wonderful!
Happy Wednesday!
That's pretty exciting for you guys! can you get snowman out of that? :)
Oooh, you did get snow! We had our fingers crossed here, but it was just some sleet for us! It sure is pretty, huh?
What a beautiful home you have. Snow in Texa, huh? Up here in Minnesota, we have had about 4-5 inches so far....and it is sticking around because it is only like 10 degrees here. Yup. Cold. Beautiful shots.
Yep, my son had a meltdown when he got home from pre-k because all of the snow had melted. I'm really just amazed that it stuck around as long as it did. Great pics, I know you had to catch'em fast (and early).
Just a dusting is so nice.
Crap! I had the same response...when I saw the 10th of December! And here I thought I was so on-track!
But I would love a little of that snow to help the holiday spirit around here! I don't know that it has ever really snowed in LA...I'm sure it has, but doesn't look like it will this year!
We are going back to MI the day after Christmas however, and they got 12+ inches yesterday, so I think we'll get our fill! pretty. My favorite kind of snow, the kind that comes and then doesn't last too long! Even though we are in New England, the coast is so mild that is the kind of snow we usually have--most years we shovel once or twice. So boy are they excited when it does snow! Hope your girls get some more this year to play in.
In all the years I lived in Texas I never seen snow--I always wished. Now I see snow all the time and I would give anything to see the sun. =)
Great shots here--I bet the kids in your neighborhood were excited.
Such a pretty dusting! I can't believe we were just in TX last week and missed this! The boys would have gone apes#!t, having spent another year in CA where the sun only shines. (Let me reassure any doubts--constant sunshine gets really really OLD) They really miss thunderstorms and freak snowspells back in Austin.
Great shots of your little snowfall. Too bad the girls couldn't play in it...why doesn't it wait for the weekend, huh?? So, are your girls learning to rope steers? I wish I had one of those little roping models. I'd love to teach the kids how to do it. :)
Has it been 10 years already???You know the saying.. Nice snow and the back of the house looks beautiful. I will keep offering my house for a visit if you need more snow and didn't get your fill, it probably won't be melted here until April!
We don't get much snow here in Tennessee either. My kids would have freaked out.
still can't believe that! here i sit in COLORADO... still no snow! :)
i bet the girlies LOVED it!
Huh? What? You guys got snow and we didn't??? No fair! :) Seriously, how exciting to even have a light dusting! These pictures make me homesick for San Antonio!
I love the photo of the chairs, that is the one that grabs me the most. How fun to get a little snow.
This is about all we used to get in the South of England too. None here. *sigh*