Entries from May 1, 2008 - May 31, 2008
Mother's Day

Are these available anywhere but in S. Texas? It's a horse swing made from a tire. The girls had been wanting one for a long time and finally got one yesterday. Good times, good times. Vienne has been wearing swim suits around the house. Not wet ones from swimming. Dry ones while she sleeps, plays, eats. Not sure why. This is My Best Shot for today. Go to Tracey's for more fun.
We had a great Mother's Day. Natalya made me a bag full of handmade goodies at school and was so excited to give it to me that she woke me up at 6:30. It came with a song though so it was all good. We hung out at home for most of the day and then met the Grands for dinner. Vienne, still not quite getting the concept of the day, kept expecting something big to happen like birthday cake and presents. She even wished Daddy and Grandpa Happy Mother's Day several times. Sweet.
I Love...

...Being a momma. Happy Mother's Day to all the momma bloggers out there!
This was taken by Natalya. Happy Love Thursday.
Sleeping Beauty

I'm a stickler for routines with the girls. Have always been. I always say that I can tell what time it is by watching the girls' behavior. Hungry? Must be about 11:00. Sleepy? Must be about 12:30. Our nighttime routine starts at 7:00. "Brush, books, bed" we call it. I always aim to be out of both rooms by 7:45. Lately, Vienne has be having a hard time falling asleep and will still be up at 9:00. That's insane to me. I will check on her and I can catch her sitting up playing, turned around in bed talking, or just plain calling me every five minutes saying, "My body can't sleep." So, I thought it might be time to ditch the afternoon nap. Gasp. I have always relished the afternoon nap. But, we did it. Vienne plays well with me and without me so it hasn't been bad. But the first day was tiring for her. At 2:00 we go pick up Sister. We got home at about 3:00 and Vienne went to sit on the couch. I assumed that meant she was ready for some tv so I didn't rush over. I did what I had to do and made my way over to the couch not long after. She was passed out.
Neither of the girls have ever done this before. They have always slept in their beds. It's been a long time since I've gotten a sleeping picture. Even with this 30 minute nap, she fell asleep at 7:45 that night. Just another one of those moments at makes me think that girls are growing up too fast.
(It's about 8:00 AM as I finish this. V is still sleeping. Usually I would have waken her up long ago cuz I would have wanted her to be sleepy for nap. Crazy, I know.)
It's Best Shot Monday. Go, see.