A Flower for You

Well it turns out that my computer needs a new hard drive. Yuck. If I weren't backing up I'd be crying right now. Although I still worry that something along the way didn't get backed up and will be lost. Only time will tell. The computer is only about 3 years old. That can't possibly be old in computer years, can it? I'm not one that needs to be on top of all the latest technological advances so a 3 year old computer is fine with me as long as it's fine. I caved and downloaded Photoshop onto my notebook. It it protesting the hard work I am putting it through but I have so many pictures waiting for attention.
The theme at Stacy's today is Flower. Last weekend we found this flower on the side of our house. The young scientist ran to get the Texas wildflower book and looked it up. It's a Green Milkweed. Very lovely wildflower that can be found throughout the country.

And the young scientist.

I love that she loves to learn. Something interests her and she wants to know more. Today is her last day of school. She is actually disappointed that school is ending. I'm glad that I don't have to pack school lunches for awhile.
Reader Comments (19)
Great shots - especially that first one with the! Although I love the last one too -- how great that she still loves school!
love the butterfly -- did your scientist look up that, too? are you trying out a lens extension in that last one? cool look.
Pretty shots and how coolie to have a young scientist! I have one of those in the Girlie here, she's 13 now and still that way. I also have a dreamer/writer in the's amazing how different the perspectives are.
Those are amazing! School here is ending soon too, Aubrey is quite sad as is Zachary - they both love it so much, most of the time...though summer can be just as fun with learning - just a different kind! ;)
That first shot is absolutely beautiful. I love how the butterfly is perched on it.
oh my... young scientist... too cute!
pretty pretty!
Lovely shots - you can make a milkweed look beautiful! I love the shot of your little scientist, too. :)
How I wish my kids felt any remorse about the last day of school. Although it never ceases to amaze me how they long for it, the freedom right, then tell me they're bored by day 3 of summer vacation. That's great your daughter is interested in science. I'm sure she'll find excellent projects for the summer.
Your first shot with the butterfly is amazing. What a beautiful and wonderful close up. :)
Beautiful Mel!!! I can't wait to come see those wildflowers more week of school left for us. Big Hugs from Cibolo.
What a cool flower! Love the shot of your little scientist too! :)
I'm glad she thought to look it many kids just expect you to hand them the answers on a silver platter!
Keep an eye on the milkweed...they have VERY cool seed pods in the fall--excellent photo opportunities and so much fun for kids to play with.
Sorry about your computer. I feel your pain. But! My new one is arriving TODAY!
Oh the milkweed is gorgeous! And I love that she knows how/where to look it up!
Oh my gosh, that butterfly shot is perfection!
AMEN to the school lunches sentiment! We still have 3 days to go here in Great S.A.!!
Stunning. Milkweed with and without butterfly! Natalya sure is a sponge when it comes to information and nature. I hope that curiosity continues to grow. The BA was once a science nut but seems obsessed with pop music and socialising nowadays. Still, she did put a poster my Dad sent her up on her wall. It was The Periodic Table of Elements. Perhaps there is hope for her?
Oh, what a cool use of a fisheye lens. I love that.
That butterfly shot is fabulous! And I adore the beautiful young scientist.
cool flower...did you look up the butterfly? what a pretty pic.