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Pomp and Circumstance

The school year ends as quickly as it began and so Natalya graduates. From kindergarten. And who wouldn't cry as they play My Wish by Rascal Flats as your daughter walks up the mini stage dressed in the most noble red cap and gown. Her kinder class had a whopping 7 kids in it (yep, only 7.) They sang the months of the years in English and Spanish while hand signing and then they did the Cha Cha Slide. Apparently this is a dance that only the cool people know because it was new to me until a couple of weeks ago.
Natalya always seemed wise beyond her years and often talked like she was a 40 year old. But tonight, she was my baby. A baby who is growing way too fast. I can't help but hope that the next time she wears a cap and gown that she'll still be calling me "Mommy" and will still let me hold her hand. We may be a little biased, but we think she'll go far.

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Reader Comments (1)

Oh Melody, this made me cry. I love her too! She's so sweet and grown up. And I can totally relate.
May 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter maile

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