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Art in the Park

Last Saturday we spent the morning at the Cibolo Nature Center in Boerne. The weather was wonderful. It's rare that we get "I'm cold" in South Texas in May. While we were out the weather was around 69 degrees. The CNC hosted Art in the Park. The girls got to paint flower pots, pound flowers onto cloths to make impressions, pet horses and llamas, and eat popcorn. And a bonus, again, this adventure was free.

We also walked the CNC nature trails. Beautiful. One trail led to Cibolo Creek where the girls tried to skip rocks and catch bugs. Next time we'll bring water shoes and towels because the water is just irresistible.

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Reader Comments (1)

wow, i've never heard of that place. it looks totally fun, and good for summer.
i know, i've been LOVING our nice 80 degrees in May. it's been so nice!
May 22, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter maile

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