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Entries from March 1, 2010 - March 31, 2010


Team Up Thursday

This week for Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose the theme "Close Up".  Megan on top and me on the bottom.  I've really been practicing my close up photography (not even macro, just getting a bit closer) because I just can't seem to get it.  I've decided that I just don't have a steady enough hand.  Any one have any tricks?  




Beautiful.  And I really don't think I'm just saying that as a biased mom.  Vienne and I spent a few hours at the mall today while Natalya was at horse camp.  We had Chinese food for lunch, we had ice cream, Kitty got a new outfit and sunglasses, and Vienne got her first manicure.  While we were at the store getting that cute headscarf, the gal at the store kept going on about how "striking" Vienne's beauty was.  She used the word "striking".  V gets it all the time really.  One day it will seriously go to her head.  Although I can't argue with it, I add to it all the time.


Favorite Face

Well, at least one of them.  

I always ask Vienne, "How come your so sweet?  How come your so cute?  How come your so funny?"  She always says, "I don't know.  Because you made me that way."  I'd like to think that I really did have something to do with it but she really does have a personality all her own.  We sharing faces on this Best Shot Monday.  Check it.

On another note, I've had no voice since last Thursday.  I'm a little hesitant to say but it really has made the house a bit quieter.  It can't really be me that creates all the noise around here, can it?  "Natalya take a bath!  Vienne, finish your dinner.  Rockey, shhh."  Either I am the catalyst unknowingly or the the girls know I can't yell and have reacted to my directions quicker.  And I find them whispering.  When I say, "Why are you whispering?", Natalya says, "Oh, because you are."  The girls had two neighbor friends over yesterday and those kids were whispering.  So, if you are yearning for peace and quiet, just stop talking.


Team Up Thursday


Our Team Up Thursday theme this week was "relax".  Megan on the top and me on the bottom.  I really have a hard time relaxing.  I always believe that the best time for me to relax is at the end of the day when I've made it to bed.  I do have to brag that my girls are really easy at bed time so I'm done with them and out of their rooms no later than 8:00.  Then my bed calls pretty loudly.  I think this may be the first week where Megan and I are totally not even related in our "relax" ideas.  But I'm still happy with our diptych.

Hope you're playing this week.  Can't wait to see what you and your partner came up with.

And a quick shameless plug-  I entered V in a modeling contest yesterday.  Chances are very slim since voting ends in 6 days but if are willing to vote please go here.  While entering her pic I felt kinda Toddlers and Tiaras weird even though I know I'd never be like that.  It's such a touchy industry.  But something possessed me to do it "just this once".  Oh, you can vote everyday.


In Like a Lion

We've had more than enough rain lately but the last few days have been glorious.  I really want to know where it is 75 degrees and sunny all year long.  That is where I will retire and walk barefoot everyday.