Well, at least one of them.

I always ask Vienne, "How come your so sweet? How come your so cute? How come your so funny?" She always says, "I don't know. Because you made me that way." I'd like to think that I really did have something to do with it but she really does have a personality all her own. We sharing faces on this Best Shot Monday. Check it.
On another note, I've had no voice since last Thursday. I'm a little hesitant to say but it really has made the house a bit quieter. It can't really be me that creates all the noise around here, can it? "Natalya take a bath! Vienne, finish your dinner. Rockey, shhh." Either I am the catalyst unknowingly or the the girls know I can't yell and have reacted to my directions quicker. And I find them whispering. When I say, "Why are you whispering?", Natalya says, "Oh, because you are." The girls had two neighbor friends over yesterday and those kids were whispering. So, if you are yearning for peace and quiet, just stop talking.