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Entries from June 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008


Small Town Fun

This weekend is the Boerne Berges Fest.  It's always on Father's Day weekend.  So if you are in the neighborhood of small town Boerne come for a visit.  It's very cheesy with all the glory of a small town fair including sausage on a stick, lederhosen, beer, a parade and dachsund races (come on now, doesn't every small town have an annual dachsund race?)  The girls love it.


It's been awhile since I've posted about our looney dog.  And since the theme at Stacy's today is Wildlife I thought it was a good time.  Rockey is crazy.  She can't let us swim in peace.  Our neighbors are probably wishing we didn't live next door to them.  She barks and swims and runs around the pool.  She jumps in to get swim toys and carries them to the grass.
Wet and wild. 

V's Room

OK, OK.  I'll post some pictures of the house.  Still trying to get the trades people out to do this and that.  Vienne's room is still a work in progress, too.  I just got the curtains up and am still looking for the perfect bedding.  But she loves it no matter what.  

When I asked Vienne what she wanted on the walls, she said, "Unicorns."  So I asked our muralist to make it more realistic.  She did a fantastic job. 


The best part of the room is the bed.  The girls love to play in it. 


And the bed crown.  I had it made and love it.  I originally thought I'd hang sheers from it but now I think I may add wording under it.  I go back and forth.   


And not sure how to tell an almost 4 year old that it's OK to jump on your bed "just this one time."  She was thinking that was coolio.  She's just sneaky enough to do it again.  

 I know how fun jumping on the bed is so that is My Best Shot.  Join the gang for more fun.



This is how the day began.  We sat in the grass and played.  Peaceful.


And this is how the day ended.  Loud, wet, wild.


It's hard to resist a sprinkler in the Summer.  I can still remember doing it as a child.  Although I hated having wet grass on my feet.  I hope the girls remember it, too.


New Toy



I figured we're near the water enough that I should splurge and get a waterproof camera.  We played with it for the first time tonight.  Since I didn't swim tonight (I can't possibly swim everyday like the girls) Daddy took these.  Not bad, eh?
I love that Vienne is smiling and that both girls are comfortable in the water.  I am not.  I didn't really learn how to swim.  I can swim enough but the girls are really good.  Mermaids.