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Entries from July 1, 2007 - July 31, 2007


4th of July Parade

This morning we celebrated Independence Day with the city of Comfort at their annual 4th of July Parade. It's a very small town about 15 minutes Northwest of Boerne. Lots of character, antique shopping, and small town flare. I was really hoping that this would be a "typical" small town parade and it was. Lots of children, tailgates open, dogs on leashes, and lots of smiling faces.

This is Natalya's expression every time she sees a horse.And for the girls, the best part of the parade was that every float threw them candy.

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Red, White, and Blue



My Best Shot

Hmmm, there seems to be a theme running through most of my pictures lately. Gotta work on getting that outta there. Think dry, think dry, think sunny days.
Here's one more from our day in the rain. Can't help but love her. This is My Best Shot Monday. Check out what other have contributed today.

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Sea World

One of Vienne's favorite places is Sea World. We had not been yet this year so the Hip Chicks were very excited to go today. For Vienne, the highlight of Sea World is still Shamu. Natalya doesn't care so much about him anymore. But Vienne will still watch in awe. While we are at Sea World we have to visit the dolphins and sharks, see Shamu, and do some swimming in the water park.

A self portrait of me with my Sweet V.
Say, "Cheese!"
And this is us waiting for the torrential sideways rain to stop before going into the house. It didn't. We got soaked. We wondered if the people still at Sea World were getting wet. We managed to get through most of the day with no rain.


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