When I was little, I used to love the phrase "Back to School". I always thought is was cool going shopping for new school clothes and I was always so anxious for summer vacation to end. These days it seems that I hear "back to school" earlier and earlier in the summer. Summer vacation is short enough and seems to fly by while we try to cram in as many fun things as we can. HEB already has out the kids' school supply lists! The catalogs start multiplying in the mailbox with the "must have back to school trends". My head starts spinning trying to figure out if I should register the girls for swim and dance or just riding lessons or just one for swim or does she want to play soccer again?!
So, lately I've started talking about going back to school because I figure I have to get them prepared. Them. Both girls. This Fall, Natalya starts 1st grade and [sniff] Vienne [sniff] starts [sniff] preschool. "Back to School" is monumental this Fall. The end of Summer now also means that I lose my 24 hour companion. It means that for those few hours a week someone else gets to experience why I think V is such a cool gal. It won't be the same around here. I won't be the same around here. "Back to school" will never be the same again.

We took Natalya to get her back to school hair cut. She had so much fun and smiled the whole time.

Holy moly, is she only six?

Her hair only looked this good for about 15 minutes. It ended up behind her ears as usual.
Labels: Cherishing Life