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Entries from July 1, 2007 - July 31, 2007


Photo Tips

Not by me, of course. My awesome photog friend Maile has started a new blog (does she ever stop working?!?) over at WOAI (our local NBC channel.) Every Friday she is offering tips on how to one day quite possibly maybe in my dreams get my photos to look somewhat in a little way but probably never as good as her photos. I will keep trying. Oh, and she has the best photo of Sweet V up as an example. Check it out.



She's Crafty

Thought I'd share a card I made for my friend who's having her first baby. They think it's a girl. And it will be a Texan.



Send in the Clowns

We celebrated Vienne's birthday with dinner at Rainforest Cafe and the Ringling Bros. Circus. I think Greg and I had just as much fun as the girls do. The circus was extra exciting this year. I think the best show was watching the girls watch the show. They truly were amazed. I hope it stays that magical for a long time.

Walking along the Riverwalk to Rainforest. We actually had some sun light and Vienne was so blinded that she had to pull out the shades.

This was Vienne's "Volcano". I think it could have served at least 10. But the girls were happy to try and finish it all themselves.

Rubber elephant for Natalya: $15 (wow.)
Pink, spinning, light up thing for Vienne: $20 (ouch!)
Cotton candy, regular size, regular color: $10 (WHAAAAAAAAAT?!)
The looks on the girls faces as they watch the acrobats flying right above us: the cheapest part of the whole evening.

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Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet V!

Of course, we always get sentimental on our children's birthdays. I started to hit me about 2 weeks ago when Vienne started to act like a "big girl" with big girl conversation, more independence, more complex thinking. She is a complete opposite from Natalya which has brought us different challenges and has made us experience the world from a different perspective. We can't wait to see what the next year brings for our Sweet V. She is definitely wearing "3" very proudly today.
This is Vienne at about 3 months old. Daddy was just about to leave for Iraq.
And Vienne celebrating her first birthday with a little bit of cake.
Vienne today coloring with big sister. Check back for more celebration pics. We'll continue to celebrate over the next week with a trip and a party.

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For Vienne, this was all the spectacle she will take. She still doesn't like fireworks. But a few sparklers and a mini fireworks show in the street was enough. We did the small town parade (click here for pictures) in the morning and ended the day with cupcakes with our sweet neighbors.
Spec-ta-cle: noun; a visually striking performance or display. From Latin spectaculum, public show.
Join us for Thursday's Theme and show us yours at Picture This.

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