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Entries from July 1, 2007 - July 31, 2007


Dinner for 7

My sister Stephany come home to visit and for Vienne's birthday. We don't get to see her enough but we'll take what we can get. Mom and Pop and Steph came to Boerne to meet us for dinner. My sister is so beautiful and is a great artist. She has the most fantastic personality that nobody could meet her without adoring her. The girls love her.
Grandpa and V.
Mom and StephVienne said, "Let's make funny faces!"
So we did.



Pic of the Day



The Eyes Have It

I think a gift we were given as moms is that we can often tell a lot about our children by looking at their eyes. When they are telling the truth, when they are frustrated, when they are not really listening, when they are proud of an accomplishment, or when they are not feeling well, it all seems to come right from the eyes. While we were in Cali, Natalya got a unexplained fever of 103. It all came and went within 24 hours but she did not want to be sick. Too many fun things planned and she knew she'd be missing out. But I knew she wasn't feeling well because her eyes looked so tired and droopy. So, as though as she is, she stuck it out with a smile on her face and blue bags under her eyes. And, as it often happens with Natalya, all of a sudden it was gone and she was back to her usual perky self. This is My Best Shot Monday. Come see what others have contributed at Picture This.



Home Sweet Home

We made it back from what turned out to be a whirl wind trip to CA. I can't believe how tired I am. I always thought it would be cool to jet around the world at a moment's notice but I've found out that airplane travel is the pits. It's unpredictable, it's uncomfortable, it's so nice to be back home. We did have a good visit with the family though. Just wish they lived closer.

But in all my weariness, I still manage to get back on the computer to check up on what's happened while I've been gone. Maile's Photo Tip Friday was on Reflections so here's what I have. And she has more pictures from V's photo shoot. I can't help but smile, laugh, and cry all at the same time when I look at them. I will have pictures up of our trip and Vienne's birthday party soon.

This is Vienne discovering that she can see herself in the bumper of Daddy's truck.



Life is a Highway

This is My Best Shot Monday. Filler' up and follow me to Picture This.

This picture fits my travel themed story. We were supposed to have left for CA yesterday to visit Greg's family. We woke up at 3:30AM to be at the airport at 4:30AM to find out that our 6:00AM flight was cancelled. (You know, even my salon calls me when my appt. needs to be rescheduled. We got no call from the airlines.) Skip through a series of events, we will try again this morning with another 6:00AM flight. I truly believe in karma and think that I was being punished. Only happy thoughts for the rest of the week.

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