Happy Birthday, My Angel

Natalya's cool kicks. Her Hanna Montana birthday party is tomorrow. It's the first time we've decided to invite only a handful of friends. I'm thinkin' it might be a little more relaxed than usual. I can't even remember what it was like to celebrate a birthday when I was young. She is so excited. About the party? About turning 7? About getting gifts? Maybe a little of each. Probably a lot of each. It would be nice to celebrate something with the sweet naivete of a seven year old. To be truly ecstatic when someone puts a 7 pound cake in front of you and says, "Eat up!" To be blushing and giddy when all eyes are on you for the 30 second serenade. To be wonderous about what the next year holds for you. To be proud to announce to the world how old you are. I say we all celebrate tomorrow like this. Life is too short. But it never is in the mind of a seven year old.
We went through another week of Natalya being sick. We thought she was kicking it last Saturday but the bug held on through this week. We were finally over it. Then me and the Hub got it. Anyway, we have recovered for the most part and were finally able to get back to life. So we took the Hip Chicks to the rodeo. This is the last weekend so we made it in under the wire. We didn't go to any of the actual rodeo events. Just the fair grounds which is all they want anyway. Carnival rides, horse rides, petting zoo, sugar.
The Little Indians joined us. These kiddos have grown up together. It amazes me to remember them as babies. It's always so much more fun with friends.
Natalya is getting riding lessons for her birthday. Horses make her happy.
And monkey see, monkey do. Boy, my girls are purdy.
And this last shot will be My Best Shot for today. Vienne and Deven walking the line. Follow V to see more.