Let's Rodeo!

We went through another week of Natalya being sick. We thought she was kicking it last Saturday but the bug held on through this week. We were finally over it. Then me and the Hub got it. Anyway, we have recovered for the most part and were finally able to get back to life. So we took the Hip Chicks to the rodeo. This is the last weekend so we made it in under the wire. We didn't go to any of the actual rodeo events. Just the fair grounds which is all they want anyway. Carnival rides, horse rides, petting zoo, sugar.
The Little Indians joined us. These kiddos have grown up together. It amazes me to remember them as babies. It's always so much more fun with friends.
Natalya is getting riding lessons for her birthday. Horses make her happy.
And monkey see, monkey do. Boy, my girls are purdy.
And this last shot will be My Best Shot for today. Vienne and Deven walking the line. Follow V to see more.
Reader Comments (28)
Love the pics, Melody. We had a great time, too...can you believe I took 218 pictures?! I think I've narrowed it down to about 80 that I"ll post on the blog. :)
Just yesterday, as we left the rodeo, Priya asked (begged) for riding lessons. Never in her life had she had an interest...hmmmm...I think I see future Rodeo Queens developing===
i loooove the pink cowboy hats! great pics....and yes, your girls are purdy:-)
Lovely. Looks like a wonderful time! My kids would ADORE a rodeo!
love the WALK THE LINE photo, love the uncommon angle!
What fun! I'm with Anna, that last shot is so cool.
Glad to hear everyone is feeling better! Love the last shot and her hot pink cowboy boots.
Fantastic shots, and that last one is AWESOME! Is this the same rodeo that comes to Houston? We really wanted to try to make it because Eli would love all the animals, I know, but I'm not sure it's gonna happen with all we have going on. Sorry to hear your little one was sick ;-( Hope all is well soon!
Sorry to hear about the sickness in your house and hope it is gets gone soon. You are right, your girls are purdy. :) Love that last shot, what a great action shot of your smiley girl. Riding lessons will be really fun for Natalya. I think I was about 4-5 when I started riding horses on my own. As long as she has good balance I'm sure she will do well.
What fun!!
Glad to see y'all on the mend and too see you post today--I noticed your absence!!
Nice pics and that last shot is GREAT!
I cannot wait until my daughter's hair is that long.
We've got the boots, just not the hair yet.
Oh my goodness oh my goodness. That first picture made me squeal. It doesn't get more adorable then that. That totally made my day.
Mines up: ICU Bloopers
Purdy is as Purdy does!!!! They are PURDY! Just like thier Mama! Sorry to hear you had a sick house! Glad you are all back on the mend! Missed your posts!
Looks like a blast! Love V's boots. And yes, they are purdy.
Oh yes... your little gals are SO purdie! How fun! I'm jealous... we missed the 'ol rodeo this year! Looks like fun was had by all!
That dad gum sick but was a stinker... so glad yall are on the mend!
SO CUTE!!!! I want girls...I want girls!!!
Oh you look like you had so much fun...LOVE the pink cowboy hats..I have one just like that, hmm imagine that!! All the pics turned out great...glad you guys had fun...
Fantastic shots - I really love the angle on the last one! But the girls in their pink hats...adorable!
Your girls sure are purdy! Strikingly so. Love the pink cowgirl hats and coordinated shirts - you always have the best outfits for every occasion! Great angle for "walk the line."
I love them all !! But that last one ... wow ! Love all the different colors !
Your girls sure are PURDY...
I'm going crazy over the pink cowgirl hats.
I do completely love the last image. So glad it's the one you chose for MBS.
Oh these are just so great!
Oh those are SO cute! All those pink hats melt my heart!!! And yes! Your girls ARE purdy! lol
My BSM is up, too!
Wow. Love them all.
If you are interested in a photo challenge, please join me at http://www.mikeleonen.com/
that looks like so much fun! love all of the pics. we had those pink boots for ava and they went missing ages ago. i'm sure by the time we find them she will have outgrown them. ::sniff::
Super photos, of course. And yes, your girls are purdy and I love them in cowgirl hats.