On the Sixteenth Day of December- Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose to go with the contest theme of "December". Megan is on top and I am on the bottom. If you have a December themed diptych it's not too late to enter our contest. You can 'til the end of today. Just add your dip to the Flickr pool and tag it "Team-Up Contest". Megan will post all of the entries on her blog tomorrow for you to see. A little prize is involved so you'll want to play along.
The girls have their school Christmas parties today. They are both at the same time so I'll be bouncing back and forth. Friday is a half day for them. Does anyone else sometimes think they'll just keep the kids home on half days? It seems like so much work to do just to get them to school for half a day. But they're making the day so much fun with the jammies at school and the reading of The Polar Express and the drinking of the hot cocoa. I don't think even Vienne would want to miss school with all that going on. I guess I should relish the few hours left of my sanity. Until January. Man, does January seem so far away now.