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Entries from December 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010


On the Eighth Day of December


Hurmey is making new friends and trying on wigs.  Yea, we don't even ask anymore.  The girls put a fairy skirt by him to see if he'll put it on tonight.


On the Seventh Day of December


This was an activity from our advent calendar.  On this day our activity was to draw a reindeer picture.  I know most of you have seen or done this before.  But in case you've been living under a rock, it's made with hand and foot prints.  And in case you didn't notice, someone got her hair cut again.  I love how adventurous Vienne is with her hair.  She also wanted bangs and she hasn't had bangs since she was about one.  They are long bangs so she could put them up if she wants.  Happy day 7!


On the Third Day of December


A preview of our Christmas card.  My girls are so darn cute.


On the Second Day of December  


 For Team Up Thursday this week, Megan and I chose "metal" for our theme.  Megan is on the top and I am on the bottom.  After looking at her picture I couldn't remember if we indeed chose "metal" or if we chose "medal".  Anyway, it worked out.  Whew.

My picture is of the mariachis that played for us last Friday night while we were on the Riverwalk for the Christmas river parade.  I've lived in San Antonio for so many years and have never been to this parade before.  It was so much fun.  Our fantastically thoughtful friend Erica had connections and got us a nice table where we ate Mexican food under a warm bridge and we watched the parade.  It was a great way to kick off Christmas for us.  We also got to see Santa while we were there.  He walked around and took pictures with all of the kids.  I did get a little worried because I knew Santa would also be on the last river barge.  'Cause our Santa kept hanging around.  He hung around and had Mexican for dinner, too.  Maybe the Mexican food is just not the same at the North Pole.

Oh, well.  I've told the girls that everyone wants to see Santa and he just can't be everywhere so sometimes he has helper Santas.  But, dang.  Santa is really everywhere.  I remember a time when the only place you could find Santa was at the mall.  Hmm, just another sign o' the times.


On the First Day of December

This is my all-time FAVORITE holiday commercial.  Not sure where in the US it's shown because I think Whataburger is a Southern phenomenon.

So it's December.  We've had our Christmas tree and decorations up for a few weeks now.  No boos from the peanut gallery.  I still appreciate Thanksgiving and all of the turkey it has to offer.  But I LOVE Christmas decorations.  And it's too much work putting them up to just take them right down.  

December 1 brings back Hurmey our Elf.  Had a minor crisis a few days ago because it seems that Hurmey has gone AWOL.  Knowing that we had to have him back on Dec. 1, I had to make a trip out to recruit a Hurmey replacement.  I go to the bookstore, grab a box, bring it up to the cashier to pay.  The gal behind the counter then says, "Um, did you want the elf with dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes?"  I say, "Hmm, no."  So glad she mentioned that the elves come in a few variations or else I would have had to come up with a reason why our Hurmey has returned with a very nice tan.  

December 1 starts our advent calendar activities.  We came up with ideas together, wrote them down, mix the papers up, and put them in the slots.  Some of our ideas of activities are:  fix dinner together, call someone far away, ask a neighbor if they need help with a chore, bake cookies.  Hopefully at the end of the day, none of these will seem like a chore but rather a celebration of the holiday.

December also brings back my Days of December posts.  I think it really helps me slow down and reflect on how we are spending our holiday.  Hopefully I'll get a post up every day.  So far so good!

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