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Whatever Wednesday

...Is at the bottom. First, pics of Vienne's 5th birthday party.

Pre party smiles. She accessorizes all on her own.

Patches the Clown came to celebrate with us.

Found this at Hobby Lobby. Cool, right?


Party favors with circus goodies.

This pic courtesy of Dawn. Thanks, Dawn, for getting me in a picture. I love this picture because Vienne is grinning so big.

  • We had a very successful clown/circus/acrobat 5th birthday party in over 100 degree weather. I actually don't think the kids ever felt the heat. Vienne loved every bit of it. But I just can't help thinking that next year, she may not want all of the hoopla anymore. I love planning their parties.
  • My desktop Mac is acting really sick right now. I was hoping to post more pics of the party but I had to put it to bed early tonight. My laptop will have to do for now. Another friendly reminder about backing up your computer. Often. I hope it recovers by the morning. There may be a part two to party pics because I even have some pics on the point and shoot.
  • Another party tidbit- Pinatas are always fun. Except if you are a big kid apparently. Natalya has always been bummed that the big kids have to be at the end of the line. Which also means that she most likely won't get to hit it because by the time it gets to her the pinata is already down. This has happened to her "a lot!" Well, the last time it happened, I told her that I would get two pinatas for this party, one for the little kids and one for the big kids. Natalya still ended up at the back of the line for the big kids' pinata and this time- she still didn't get to hit it. About two big kids knocked into it and it was down. Poor thing was so disappointed.
  • Vienne and I have been downing smoothies almost every day since Summer vacation started. We love them. We can only get Natalya to drink them sometimes. I'm so glad that at least Vienne loves them. Our recipe: About 3/4 C. of Stoneyfield organic vanilla yogurt, fruit, about a tbs. of honey, about an 1/8 cup of orange juice. Blend. That's it. I prepare my fruit ahead of time by slicing it up and freezing it and I freeze it in individual bags so that they are ready to go. Our fruit is usually bananas, strawberries, blackberries or bluberries. Oh, this can also be frozen into popsicles, especially if you've made too much.
  • Cherry pitters are a wonderful invention. I gross out looking at a bowl of cherry pits.
  • Back to school catalogs. Anyone else getting them?? I was in a store today looking at shorts. A gal came up to me and said, "If your considering those you better get them. That's our last shipment of shorts." Huh what? It's over 100 degrees here in S. Texas. Summer is far from over.
  • I'm over. And out. Gotta get back to posting these in the mornings.

Reader Comments (4)

Vienne is adorable and she is wonderful at accessorizing. Love her outfit! The party looks like a lot of fun, too. Great job!

That smoothy sounds yummy. I'll have to try them, too.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

what a fab party -- vienne looks so happy! and yes on the bts catalogs...i just chuck them right into the recycling :).

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermegan

Oh my, that birthday portrait is to die for. Her little barre feet, the rough hewn wood texture next to her nut brown skin, the accessories, the eyes!!!!!! What a stunning beauty she is. Great to see you in a shot too. Looks like the party was a great success. I don't know about getting too old for them. We had a theme party last year if you remember!!! :-) Certainly I was still doing them until her 7th. I love seeing the little kids get into the spirit of everything. Enjoy your weather; we are in the log fire and snuggly blanket zone here.

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

A circus party -- that looks like so much fun! I can tell that everyone must have had a fantastic time - even if it was boiling hot!

July 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie

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