The Beginning...

...Of Summer. The beginning of, "Where are we going today?" The girls (mostly Vienne) always have to be doing something. And something does not include playing at home. Apparently that doesn't count. We are staying home today. This morning we played outside. Amazingly it was nice and breezy so we explored the backyard, the girls swung, and did cartwheels.
As we walked through the backyard, I couldn't help but think of who had been there before us. We have a new house but the land belonged to others before. What had they done with it before we got there? Had any one even walked on this spot before? My girls like to explore. We tell stories as we walk. It will be a nice Summer.
This second one will be My Best Shot. Cartwheeling in boots.
We had a great weekend. On Friday, Natalya got her ears pierced and then we swam. On Saturday, we took the girls to the children's theater to see a version of Beauty and the Beast. We came home and swam. Yesterday, we swam again. It's South Texas. We'll be swimming a lot this summer. Happy Monday!
Reader Comments (16)
i hope those are your boots in the top photo, taking advantage of relax time while the kids play -- that is a fabulous summer activity, in my book :)!
Great perspective on the first shot. I'm in Texas, yet can't ever seem to get myself in cowboy boots. My 2 y/o daughter, however, loves them.
BTW, your new home is just lovely!
Yes, living in Texas definitely makes a person love the pool! I'll be going as often as I can convince my husband to come along this summer!
Love both those shots! It sounds like you have plenty to do at your house, so why do you need to go somewhere?? We did a lot of exploring as kids, too.
I love the red boot shot. It screams summer and Texas, which I'll always hold in my heart.
Beautiful shots - I love the framing in both of them!
You have that tilt thing down! I love the photos--so original. I can't get a tilt right for the life of me!
Your summer sounds like it's off to a great start. Drew is finished with summer already--yesterday he said he was ready for school to start back up :-)
Yeah for bringing in the summer! I love how you thought about who was before you in on the mind wonders like that too!
yeah, for summer! we are looking forward to long, lazy summer days, too. i love the first photo (well, i love the second one, too!) - the perspective is fantastic!
LOl I gotta laugh, my girls love the water too. A few weeks ago it was in the 90s and they went in 4 times is one day!!! I love spanish tile (&spanish style homes). Would love to see more photos of your new place.
Amazing pictures Mel!!! I see those girls will have ya running :o) Enjoy it......Hope we can get together soon. Two more days for me.
Love the perspective on both these shots! Happy Summer!
Just stopped by to say I had a great time meeting you at dinner on Saturday. Your girls are too cute ang your photography... well it's just amazing!!
Lovely! I love the peek at you in the boot. You're right, it's going to be a great summer.
Loving me some boots, girls. And I'd love to see more photos of your new house.
*sigh* beautiful shots again. You really are rocking that dof thing aren't you? We have holidays in 3 weeks but before that it will be frantic........