Hello, Monday

Happy Father's Day to my great Hubby. We had a great Father's Day weekend. The girls gave Daddy his gift early so that he could set it up and use it, an XM radio. They're not so good with surprises anyway. We did lots of swimming, went to the Berges Fest for the parade and carnival rides, and had dinner with the Grands.
These will be My Best Shot for today.

Unfortunately, she flew into our patio door on Saturday and really knocked herself out. I heard the familiar "thunk" and went to find her laying on the porch. Natalya and I put her in a basket to watch her for awhile. She had a bum eye and don't know if she got it from the crash or not. She was so sweet and beautiful. Our little scientist found her in the bird book and turns out it is a Yellow Billed Cuckoo. When Daddy held her up, we hoped that she would take off but she didn't. Whe we had to leave for dinner we put her up in our playhouse hoping that when we got home she would have flown away. When we got home she was not in the playhouse anymore. But, a cat was. Could it be possible? We don't have cats, it was the feral one that lives nearby. No feathers or any trace of the bird was there so we are hoping that it flew away. Natalya named it Samantha. Bye bye, birdie.
Reader Comments (27)
Aw, I hope the poor little birdie did fly away! We found an injured bird last summer, but he unfortunately met his fate at the hands of a neighborhood child. :(
Oh poor birdie! Beautiful shots of him though! Oh, and what a fun weekend you had...
how extraordinary to get such intimate shots of a bird... beautiful. I hope he caught a second wind...
It probably flew away.
Beautiful shots!
That is some amazing bird shot!~!! Love it... what a treasure. My kids are terrible with secrets too.
Those are lovely shots of the birdy! I do hope it got away from the cat.
Glad your family enjoyed Father's Day!
seriously that is the most beautiful thing i have ever are an amazing photograper!!! How much do you charge cause i would LOVE to have you take my pics....steph had some pics done recently for her hubbies birthday....they turned out great...and i thought what a great idea.....anyway if you have a business site that i am missing then just email me!!!! anyway great to see ya at the burges fest.....hope to see you girls again soon!!!
Amazing up close photos! Hope the birdie flew away and cat didn't get it!! :-)
Oh goodness!! How 3-dimensional that birdie is!! Great photos. ~Jill :)
Beautiful bird. How amazing to have gotten such up close and personal shots. Her bill is beautiful. I hope the things that Kate said on Shutter Sisters about looking at a few moments or hours or days differently, seeing them as a lifetime is comforting when your little one looks at these shots of Samantha
Sweet little birdie. They fly into our picture window ALL the time. It's always sad. I hope yours escaped and wasn't dinner...
love the dof in the second photo!
i just love the second shot!!
Beautiful shots!
She must have flown away...otherwise there would have been some 'evidence' I'm sure. Perhaps she just needed the motivation of that cat showing up to get moving...
What a serendipitous occasion. And great shots of Samantha, to boot!
she is super cute! great pics...i hope she is okay wherever she flew....
Let's all agree that the bird did indeed fly away, and leave it at that, k? Such amazing photos, though!
Oh we regularly have to rescue birds from our big cat. Great shots though....
Those are some great shots of little Samantha! Hopefully she didn't end up being some feral cat's dinner. :(
Poor birdie! Gorgeous shots of her!
sniff sniff. i hope the bird got away. these photos are precious.
You've managed to capture the personality of a cuckoo bird. Fabulous!
I always hated to hear those thuds when we were living in the mountains. The cabin had expansive windows and it was frequent.
Just found your website! Beautiful photography.. I am inspired ;)
Wow..what great colors!! There ARE some really pretty birds out in our neck of the woods, hugh?
of course the birdie flew away!! hugs....