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Hello, Monday

Happy Father's Day to my great Hubby.  We had a great Father's Day weekend.  The girls gave Daddy his gift early so that he could set it up and use it, an XM radio.  They're not so good with surprises anyway.  We did lots of swimming, went to the Berges Fest for the parade and carnival rides, and had dinner with the Grands. 
These will be My Best Shot for today.
Unfortunately, she flew into our patio door on Saturday and really knocked herself out.  I heard the familiar "thunk" and went to find her laying on the porch.  Natalya and I put her in a basket to watch her for awhile.  She had a bum eye and don't know if she got it from the crash or not.  She was so sweet and beautiful.  Our little scientist found her in the bird book and turns out it is a Yellow Billed Cuckoo.  When Daddy held her up, we hoped that she would take off but she didn't.  Whe we had to leave for dinner we put her up in our playhouse hoping that when we got home she would have flown away.  When we got home she was not in the playhouse anymore.  But, a cat was.  Could it be possible?  We don't have cats, it was the feral one that lives nearby.  No feathers or any trace of the bird was there so we are hoping that it flew away.  Natalya named it Samantha.  Bye bye, birdie. 

Reader Comments (27)

those are wonderful shots. :) i think birdie is just fine.

that is so cool... what a pretty little bird. I hope she made it.

June 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim

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