Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up, Megan and I chose "everyday beauty" for out theme. I love those Megan's smooth river rocks. The girls and I love to paint them and put them around the house. I choose Natalya because she is my plain Jane, all natural girl. She never wants anything fancy, frilly, or fussy. She's all natural, all the time.
This might be bragging but I got my first sunburn of the year yesterday while playing tennis. I love it! Not the sunburn but the thought that Summer is coming! And for us lucky ones in S. Texas it'll be here soon. I can't wait.
Reader Comments (6)
I LOVE this. What a natural beauty she is and so comfortable with her horse:)
She is definitely beautiful. I love the care free feel of the photo.
What great photos! Love them both. She is absolutely beautiful!!! And this image of her is just stunning. Hopefully she always keeps that natural beauty confidence. Here is ours:
She truly is a natural beauty. Wow.
Capturing Natalya with the horse was a fantastic idea Melody. I like her far off look too. Its like this whole dip is one natural, everyday beauty after another. Such a peaceful feeling to both of the shots.
Natural beauty indeed. A lovely combination these two. Now go put on some sunscreen or you'll end up all wrinkled like me!! >:-(