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Entries from June 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007


Enjoying the Ride

Last Friday, we went to dinner with the Grands. We're lucky that they don't live far. The Hip Chicks get to see them often. We ate Thai food and then went to the cake shop for cupcakes.
I could never get enough of seeing the girls laugh together. We were singing Laurie Berkner and shakin' our shakey eggs.

Natalya: "Mommy, why are you taking a picture of the cupcakes!?"
Me: "Because they look so pretty."
Natalya: "But I bet they taste even better than they look. Can we eat them now?"

Sweet V with Grandpa.

The top photo is My Best Shot Monday. Laurie Berkner gets us up and dancing everytime. If you don't know who she is, well, where have you been?

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