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Entries from June 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007


Like, Oh Ma God

Maile was sweet enough to invite me to her Rad 80's party Saturday night. Just check out the photos. They explain everything. I can tell you that she and her gal pals really party hardy.

Walking with Dinosaurs

Today we decided to visit the Witte Museum. The Witte normally has a few dinosaurs on display but they currently have a special dinosaur exhibit. Natalya loves dinosaur books but was too scared to enter [insert ferocious dinosaur roar]. Vienne got to enjoy it with Daddy.
How could both girls have gotten so lucky to have inherited Daddy's eyelashes? One day they will appreciate them.One of the best things about going to the Witte is getting to ride the train. We park in the San Antonio Zoo parking lot, ride the train to the museum, and then catch it on the way back. Natalya and I just about freaked because these creepy crawlies were everywhere. Millions. Literally. Nothing scares me more than a worm. Vienne on the other hand is waiting for the day to really freak us out.

This last picture is My Best Shot Monday. Put on your pink shoes and follow me to Picture This.

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Second Best

Those of us with two (and three and four plus) know how hard it is for the second child sometimes. They miss out on the Wiggles because the older child doesn't want to watch them, they have to run to catch up, they get hand me down clothes, they have to watch the older child do all of the most fun fantastical things that a child could imagine. And they can't do anything about it.
Poor Vienne. I sit back and watch her grow up behind Natalya struggling, frustrated everyday. Vienne wants so badly to finish the puzzle that Sister started. Vienne wants so badly to be at the finish line at the same time as Sister. Vienne wants so badly to have the new, pretty rain boots and not the old faded ones. Like Natalya.
Most days are good. I watch from the background Natalya being the big sister that I always imagined she would be. I watch them playing the games that Vienne chooses and hear them laugh and see them smile. I remind Natalya all the time how happy it makes Vienne just to have Natalya by her side. It's hard convincing Vienne that one day it will be her time. My hugs and sweet kisses just don't compare to a scooter ride with Big Sister. At her side. Vienne may have to push a little harder to stay there, though.

And so, this brings me to Thursday's Theme- Glee. Sister+Scooter+Friends= A very happy moment for my Will-Never-Be-Second-Best. Glee at Picture This. It will make you happy.

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Free Movie Wednesday

Today, Natalya and I took Vienne to see her first theater movie. Regal Cinemas offers free movies on Wednesday and Thursday through the summer. Today's flick at our theater was Charlotte's Web. We don't know if it met the expectations of Sweet V but she sat for most of the movie while 10 babies and their mommies paced up and down the aisles (not sure if they were expected to sit and watch an hour and a half long movie.) Natalya's review of Charlotte's Web: "It was good. The best part was when the horse fell down. Yea, you should go see it. And the popcorn was the best."

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In My Black Boots...

It's Monday again. Give us your Best Shot at Picture This.
