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Entries from June 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007


Happy Father's Day

Vienne woke up today saying that she wanted to take Daddy to the Wildlife Ranch. So that's where we celebrated Father's Day. Daddy has just as much fun there as the girls do anyway. We think he imagines himself as the head game warden of the Texas Wildlife Department. And in his daydream, he's perched up in a tree with his binoculars watching the buffalo roll in the mud all day.
There are so many reasons why the girls think their Daddy is the best. The biggest reason would be that he "takes good care of us". For example: Today at lunch the girls wanted a milkshake. So we ordered the shakes and for some reason they came without the usual cherry on top. Vienne was so upset. So Daddy asked the server if he could bring Vienne a cherry for her shake. The server soon came back with a little bowl of cherries. Vienne couldn't have been happier. Thank you, Daddy, for filling our lives full of little bowls of cherries.

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Boerne Berges Fest

Tonight, we took the Hip Chicks to Boerne Berges Fest. Supposedly it began 40 years ago to celebrate the German heritage that is Boerne. The Fest included lots of events such as live music, Dachshund races, and a parade. The only thing that the girls were interested in was the carnival.
Natalya loved this ride. I think she smiled the whole time she was on it.
Vienne will have to wait a little longer to ride the above ride. For now, this will do.



2007 NBA Champs

Yay for the San Antonio Spurs!!! It was a nail bitter at the end but they swept the finals. Can't get any better than that.


OK, maybe this will be of no interest to anyone of you, but I thought it was very interesting and humerous. Found lowercase L today. It was recently chosen as a "Blog of Note" by Blogger.com. Check it out.


The Hip Chicks like to imagine that the flowers are kings, queens, and princesses. The other day Natalya checked on them and found that the king had died. As in any monarchy, he was quickly replaced.
What can you imagine? Join us at Picture This for Thursday's Theme.

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