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Entries from July 1, 2010 - July 31, 2010


Team Up Thursday


It's Team Up Thursday again with Megan on the left and me on the right.  I so love Megan's shot for our Team Up theme of "silhouette".  I love how I can almost hear the conversation even though I can't see their faces.  V was doing a little superhero jump with her pink cape on.  Whatcha got for us?  

Today, we'll be outside selling lemonade.  As I expected, there's a lot of preparation involved!  If anyone wants the mathematical equation for making perfect lemonade for a 2 gallon jug, let me know.  Wish the girls luck, they just might be out selling lemonade in the rain.




 The girls have been wanting to do a lemonade stand for long, long time.  Long time.  I've pushed it aside every time they bring it up because I know it'll be a lot of work for me.  That's right, I said it.  But I finally gave in and they will have their day on Thursday.  The Hubs has made them the cutest stand that the girls have decorated.  We've bought the lemons and the girls will be squeezing tomorrow.  I will be making simple syrup and baking cookies because apparently "You can't have lemonade without a chocolate chip cookie!"  They have also decided that half of what they make will be donated to a charity so that makes me proud.  They have rehearsed their thank you speech and are truly excited.  We'll see what happens.


Team Up Thursday


Team Up Thursday again?  I won't go on about how the time flies... This week, Megan and I chose the theme "Where we live".  Me on top and Megan on the bottom.  Well, it just so happened that we just took the girls on their first road trip (even though it was only about a 1 1/2 hour drive) to the state capital- Austin, Texas.  This picture is in the state capital building, under the gold dome.  I thought I was being all creative with this shot but apparently there are a zillion shots like this in Flickr.  Oh, well.  You can't see it but it reads Texas around the star.  I love the name your newspaper, Megan.  I don't know why.  But it really sounds so official.  Great shot, too.


Team Up Thursday


Water water everywhere!  And not just in the rivers and swimming pools.  Hurricane Alex is en route and we're getting a little bit of rain.  We are to far inland for most of the hard stuff but a little rain is ok for us.  "Water" is also the theme for me and Megan.  Just charged up my underwater camera and took it out today.  How cute is that underwater bubbly face?  We went to the river last week and the girls spent lots of time catching minnows and damsleflies.  Aw, and look that that pony tail.  Won't be makin' those for awhile.  Team Up Thursday may be slowing down a bit over the Summer but Megan and I are still playing.  Come check out the goodies.  

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