Welcome, Tooth Fairy

Dear, Tooth Fairy,
We have been waiting for you forEVER. V watched all of her friends lose teeth and asked a million times when it would be her turn. She wiggled and wiggled and finally asked Daddy to pull it out yesterday. Without a single whimper, it finally came out. She couldn't wait to see what you'd leave her. She was so very pleased with the $5. Thanks from the 6 year old. She hopes to have you visit again very soon.
Love, us
Reader Comments (7)
So cute! Love the hat, the hair and of course, the tooth or lack of.
Yeah! The first one is so very exciting! What am I talking about? Em just lost her 3rd and it still creates MUCH excitement!
Oh Darn it! I forgot to ask her about the tooth fairy! She must think I'm an idiot. I will ask her next time I see her. I'm also going to tell her the going rate for teeth is 10$. Kidding of course, Mel.
yea V! owen was SO right there with her. when he lost his tooth in may, he had friends -- his age or younger -- who had lost mouthfuls of teeth. now he's finally got a second wiggly:). can't wait till the top ones come out -- if nothing else for the photo ops.
Yay! How cute does she look? Piper is going to be a very young K since she just turned 5 and most of her friends are close to 6 so she has watched them all lose a tooth. She wants to in the WORST way but it isn't happening yet. Holy cow, $5 is that what the TF is giving these days?
Ella just said to me that maybe she would loose a tooth this year in kindegarten. She showed me that none of her teeth were wiggling just yet. V should have been thrilled with $5! Im with everyone else......I didnt know teeth were so expensive these days. I thought they would still be happy with a quarter!! ;0)
What an amazingly generous tooth fairy! And what a happy 6 year old! We had to wait until the BA was 7 before hers fell out!
Watch out though. She's about to change before your eyes....