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« On the Second Day of December | Main | Cookies for Kids' Cancer »

On the First Day of December

This is my all-time FAVORITE holiday commercial.  Not sure where in the US it's shown because I think Whataburger is a Southern phenomenon.

So it's December.  We've had our Christmas tree and decorations up for a few weeks now.  No boos from the peanut gallery.  I still appreciate Thanksgiving and all of the turkey it has to offer.  But I LOVE Christmas decorations.  And it's too much work putting them up to just take them right down.  

December 1 brings back Hurmey our Elf.  Had a minor crisis a few days ago because it seems that Hurmey has gone AWOL.  Knowing that we had to have him back on Dec. 1, I had to make a trip out to recruit a Hurmey replacement.  I go to the bookstore, grab a box, bring it up to the cashier to pay.  The gal behind the counter then says, "Um, did you want the elf with dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes?"  I say, "Hmm, no."  So glad she mentioned that the elves come in a few variations or else I would have had to come up with a reason why our Hurmey has returned with a very nice tan.  

December 1 starts our advent calendar activities.  We came up with ideas together, wrote them down, mix the papers up, and put them in the slots.  Some of our ideas of activities are:  fix dinner together, call someone far away, ask a neighbor if they need help with a chore, bake cookies.  Hopefully at the end of the day, none of these will seem like a chore but rather a celebration of the holiday.

December also brings back my Days of December posts.  I think it really helps me slow down and reflect on how we are spending our holiday.  Hopefully I'll get a post up every day.  So far so good!

Reader Comments (7)

That is a sweet commercial. Never heard of Whataburgerin the midwest or the east coast. I kept waiting for something funny to happen, but it was just a kind hearted commercial....like it should be!

My all time favorite commercial is the Pampers Silent Night commercial. I get the warm and fuzzies everytime I see it.

I love your Days of December posts, and how you said, "So far so good!"
You're so cute! :0)

December 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJoanna

Is it silly that this commercials makes me cry a little bit?

December 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterstephanie

I am looking forward to your Days of December posts. Tell the girls hello!

December 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkahlei

An ETHNIC ELF? COOL! We coulda used one over here...and told the kids that he came from India......might need to look into that.........

December 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen A.

Just explain to the kids that Hurmey just got back from his vacation in the Bahamas. My favorite Christmas commercial has always been that beer on (Corona?) with the Palm tree on the beach lit up as a Christmas tree. I've always wanted to live on the beach so I think that's why it's my favorite.

December 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

You have so many wonderful traditions! One day your girls are going to be all grown up and look back to realize how lucky they were to grow up with you as their Mama. :o) Here's to a terrific December!

December 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

That advent calendar idea is so cool and makes me so jealous I want to cry. Christmas here is rush rush rush because it's the end of the school year and summer has hit with a vengeance and there are so many jobs to do around the house.....:-(
I will read your days of December and relive the unhurried Christmases of the BA's childhood in the UK......

December 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

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