The Other Love

Like many of you, on the birthdays of my children I think a lot about them. Why I love them, how I couldn't live without them, how their eyes are just so beautiful, how lucky I am to live each day with them. Normal stuff that makes us continue to parent them with whole hearts. But today I also got to thinking of the one thing (well, the one thing plus fertility treatments ) that actually made the wonderful day 7 years ago a reality. The HipHub. Without him, my beautiful girls would not be. I look at them and I see him. I look at him and I see them. What a wonderful way to live.
The Superhero Challenge at Shutter Sisters today is to take a picture of the Hubby outside the realm of kids. It's hard a lot of times to see the Hub as anything but a father. Taking the challenge let me see him again as the man that I fell in love with. Tell me if you take the challenge. I'd love to see it.