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Entries in Superhero Challenge (2)


The Other Love

Like many of you, on the birthdays of my children I think a lot about them.  Why I love them, how I couldn't live without them, how their eyes are just so beautiful, how lucky I am to live each day with them.  Normal stuff that makes us continue to parent them with whole hearts.  But today I also got to thinking of the one thing (well, the one thing plus fertility treatments ) that actually made the wonderful day 7 years ago a reality.  The HipHub.  Without him, my beautiful girls would not be.  I look at them and I see him.  I look at him and I see them.  What a wonderful way to live.


The Superhero Challenge at Shutter Sisters today is to take a picture of the Hubby outside the realm of kids.  It's hard a lot of times to see the Hub as anything but a father.  Taking the challenge let me see him again as the man that I fell in love with.  Tell me if you take the challenge.  I'd love to see it. 



You know how sometimes you get lost in it all and start feeling down because it's all just gloom around you?  That was me this week.  Both girls were sick with something.  Nothing major, but just enough to be really annoying.  Natalya was having a hard time shaking it but I could tell today she is finally busting through.  She was hungry.  For the first time in about a week.  The weather was cold and sorta wet and that, I guess, gets to me, too.  Thanks goodness for S. Texas weather which eventually does it's thing and gives us a glorious sun filled day like today to slap me in the face and say, "Don't forget, you've got it good."  And, then sitting in the sun, I felt ashamed for letting it get to me.  I really do have it good.  Great really. 

Superhero Photo Challenge at Shutter Sisters today is Self Timer Self Portrait.   It couldn't have been more timely for me since I've been trying to get my "self" back.  So as I read the challenge I was trying to think of what sort of defines me, physically, that I could take a picture of using the self timer on my camera.  Hmmm... my freak long toe, the birthmark on my leg, my awesome abs (yea, right).  Ultimately, I chose (since you don't want to see my freak long toe) something that I wasn't born with but defines me.  My tattoo.  It is a lotus flower with my girls' names around it written in Thai.  I was born in Thailand, my mom is Thai.  Me.


Camera set up, self timer initiated, click.