
This is my new favorite picture of my girl. But, geesh, she looks old. This is My Best Shot for today. And it also goes in the pool for this month's One Word Challenge at Shutter Sisters. The word for this month is "Beautiful". Ain't she? Not only on the outside but she truly is on the inside.
Natalya and I have been wanting to learn to knit for awhile. We've talked about it and I kept saying, "OK, I'll learn first so that I an teach you." A couple of Christmases ago, I gave Natalya a learn to knit kit in hopes that we both could learn from the kit that was for children 7 and up. She was not 7 yet but I thought I could at least learn from it. I'm telling you, I looked at those instructions a million times and could not decipher them. Nothing beats real instruction I guess. In comes our ever talented friend Nicole, who by the way is a wondeful super knitter and all around craft handy person. Nicole got me started and now I'm a knittin' fool (although I told that to Nicole and she said that knitters were not fools.) Natalya and I knitted the scarf above from the kit and she loves it! And she truly loves it more because, as she says, "We made it with our own hands." As of right now I can only do the one knit stitch so all four pieces that I have going are without much pattern. But I'm having fun. Oh, and Youtube has helped me out, too. It's the person actually showing me how to do it that makes the difference.