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Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose the theme "design".  Megan is on the right and I am on the left.  OK, mine is not a picture.  But I designed this awhile ago and have been wanting to share it as a free download to anyone who wants it.  It's sized at 8x10 and is flattened, you can't alter it.  Download away, just reference me if you post it.  And if you see a spelling error, let me know.  :)  And let me know if you have trouble downloading it.  :) ;)

Download here.  I would love a comment if you download, just for my curiosity.

OH, and check back soon because I'm going to have a free Mother's Day card download that can include a picture.  Whew, that's a little ambitious of me, ain't it?  

Reader Comments (6)

So wonderful! I love it, I don't see a single spelling mistake! Can't wait to for the mother's day card!

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPuna

Oh golly Melody, that is awesome. I just love it. What a great poster!! You have a great eye for design.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

oooohhhh...i saw one of these painted signs on etsy and it has been on my project list to make for our kitchen for a long time!! i love the family rules. :-)

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

Beautiful. Well constructed indeed.

April 11, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

This is so great Melody! I love the sayings and you did great in balancing all the font sizes. As said above, very well constructed.

April 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoanna

Love it, great job.

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSassy

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