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« Team Up Thursday | Main | Team Up Thursday »

Team Up Thursday

Why, hello there, stranger.  I won't throw out any excuses.  I'll just pretend that I've been here all along and maybe no one will notice that the poor blog has been neglected.  

This week for Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose the theme "yellow".  Poor Megan is probably still cold up there and was looking for some sunny color to warm her up.  We, on the other hand, live in a completely different universe and are hot.  Plain and simple.  But, I'm not complaining.  It will get hotter.

Earth Day!  Tomorrow, Friday, April 22!  Lot's of great deals going on so I wanted to post the ones that I've found.  Please comment if you know of anymore.  

  • Free coffee at Starbucks!  Of course I had to start with this one.  Bring in your own travel mug and they will fill it for free.
  • A free tree at Lowes.  This is for Saturday though.  Don't go Friday.
  • Free admission to our national parks on Friday.  We just visited Yosemite and it's all God's glory packed into one visit.  

We planned the trip to Yosemite because the girls have always wanted to see real snow.  Well, we got our snow and then some.  It was so awesome.  The week after we got home, they closed Yosemite because of too much snow.

  • Origins makeup- "Bring your current skincare (full or empty) to any Origins counter and we’ll trade it for a full-size of one of our gentle, high-performance cleansers."  Paraben free.
  • Rebinder is offering 25% off.  If you've never visited them, you'll wanna.  They offer recycled office supplies.  

Or plant a tree, build a garden, pick up trash, explore eco friendly alternatives, carry a reusable water bottle, don't wash your clothes (that's for the moms), turn off the tv, recycle your paper, donate used clothes and toys, support companies that are earth friendly, fly a kite...

Reader Comments (2)

We did many of these things - AND if you go see the new DisneyNature movie African Cats its' first week (it opened Earth day) out - Disney donates part of the ticket price to help save the Savannah! We just got back...it is a really great film with amazing cinematography and beautiful cats!

April 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

Do you guys do that whole 'turn off all the lights' thing for Earth Day? It's very cool to watch from our balcony here as house lights go out all over the area for an hour. Thanks for all these tips..and don't apologise about the blog. I checked my feed reader and only 5 people had posted in under 3 months recently!!!!!

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

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