Team Up Thursday- Happy New Year

Happy New Year! And happy Team Up Thursday. This week at Team Up, Megan and I chose "new" for our theme. Megan is on the top and I'm on the bottom. Megan's photo looks so eerily peaceful with such a great glow. Lots of people have jumped back in and are ready to play, hope it's you!
I think I came to the conclusion that I had been just burnt out with the computer and editing and staring at a screen. I took a much needed break and hopefully came out refreshed and ready to play again. Every year at this time I think about resolutions and what I think I need to do to get refreshed and renewed after the holiday. I'm not really making resolutions again because I don't think that encourages me. I just hope that I can keep the momentum up to at least get our house to pretty. We've been living her for almost 3 years and I find it easy to say that "I will do it at some time." I have lots of ideas but I get overwhelmed easily. So I guess you can say that I resolve to make our home the place that we love to live. And that doesn't mean just to buy things to put in it. But also to make our ritual of reading in the comfy chair more meaningful, to make our game room smell like popcorn, to make our patio an artists retreat, and to make our kitchen fill our tummies and our hearts. As Vienne says when we enter the driveway, "There's no place like home."
Reader Comments (8)
I think that you both had a great week. Your sparkler shot is cool. I was running after Ruby so she would try to hold the fire so there is none from me :) I also like how different the both of yours are but they go well together regardless. I hope that you are refreshed! We are also trying to sort of finish up certain things in our home only sadly we have been here for 8 years. Loved your Christmas Card! Happy New Year!
Megan's shot is eerily peaceful. Love your sparkler shot. I am feeling in the make my home a home mood too. Hopefully 2011 is the year to make it happen.
i love the sparks coming off of your pic! very cool.
i'm so with you on the "making our home a home" - we are in limbo right now on our house, so we might need to be making a new home here shortly so i'm trying not to get to attached to actual houses and stuff - but will need to concentrate on making whatever space a good "home" to come home to.
i love v. and would so love to hear that from the backseat when we pull into our driveway.
I love the contrast of you photos. I love when my kid tell me they wish is was a "stay home day", when I ask why they want to stay home they say "it's our favorite place!"
i guess mine is a bit creepy, huh? i was actually sitting in the school parking lot talking on the phone, so the scene didn't seem so weird at the time:).
Happy New Year! Making your house into a home - such a great thing, and it sounds like you've done well based on V's commentary. :) I'm trying to do the same thing. We're coming up on 2 years of living with my parents...and this whole time I haven't let it be HOME...just where I'm living right now. I think it's time to change that. We'll still be here awhile, and we need a place that's really HOME!
A gorgeous, contrasting dip ladies. I can't believe you've been in your house for three years already! It seems only yesterday you were moving in!!I am sure you are making a house into a home meldoy. A Happy 20legs for you ( as they are calling 2011 over here)
Love the dippy with the different black/white elements.
After living in our house for about 7 years I think I have about decorated everything the way I want. We have plenty of cozy home memories. We have the excuse of wintertime hibernation, though. ;)