Summer Vacation Has Begun

Today is officially the start of Summer vacation. This is the first Monday that I was able to sleep in (a little but I'll take it) and not pack school lunches and not hurry people out the door. I was really hoping to stay in our jammies all day today but looks like we have plans today. Today is also the day that starts "Operation Organization". And I'm starting with the desk. I am getting to my craft room but I think I need the desk done first because a lot of what's on the craft room floor is paper work and books (from when we just dumped during our move in. I won't mention that that was a year ago.) So, I put it out there. Now it has to get done.
Shiney, happy people. Happy Best Shot Monday, ya'll!
Reader Comments (11)
I love could be an ad for Anthropologie!
definitely an ad for some posh mag - they are truly beautiful!
i will be organizing along with you today. for some reason (??) we decided to change our craft room/office/playroom around yesterday. it is still in shambles. yikes. happy monday!
I bet V is happy to have Natalya home to play with all day! I know Tyler is looking forward to Austin being home as well.
Looks like everyone is hobby room has been emptied out and now the hallway/dining room looks like a tornado hit it. I'll be so happy when I can find stuff in there...which will hopefully keep me from buying repeat items. Sorry you missed out on a jammie day. We're enjoying ours. There will lots more opportunities this summer to not have to get dressed all day, I'm sure.
what an excellent shot of your two -- gorgeous as always, but i know it's always a treat to get both kids doing what you want at the same time ;). i'm organizing here, too. the painter was here today to paint the den. step #1 was cleaning the den out...groan. step #3 will be getting things back in :).
Its so nice to have a lazy morning....even if it was just out of the norm. Yup, I totally see an ad for a kids clothes store here. I love it. Look at that cute blue headband! Where did you buy that? I woudl love one for Ella.
They are so lucky to have eachother and they look like they know it. :0) Wonderful shot of your beauties.
Good luck with tat organising thing! Happy holidays!
Love, love that shot of the girls. Looks like a great start of the vacation!
Hope you are able to get to that craft room soon! I may have to pack mine up soon if we start working on finishing our basement. Not sure where all my fabric will go in the meantime...
What a great shot of your girls. It looks like they are ready for summer.
Great idea to take some linens and pillows outside. I might just have to steal it! Your girls are so lovely!
Hello gony we have here the best lesson nr five