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« Viva Fiesta | Main | Easter Wassup »

Rain Rain


We've been getting some rain here lately so we've got some nice flowers around the house.  We could easily have flowers around the house without the rain but our big problem here are the deer.  When we don't have rain they come to the house and eat from our yard.  I'm guessing they have enough out there so they've been leaving our stuff alone. 

I did see the doc this week and hopefully will get better soon.  I was hoping for a miracle drug but I really knew it would be a process.  So we'll see.

Fiesta is starting now here in San Antonio.  If there's ever a time to visit SA, now's that time.  We look forward to it all year.

Reader Comments (4)

I'm a fan of mushroom images...they make me think of fairy houses...and the Smurfs. And the flowers are making me miss the deer who ate everything I planted while we lived in the mountains.

Thinking of you and praying you find answers and healing soon.

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermelody is slurping life

I don't know if you've heard or thought about trying craniosacral therapy (trained physical therapists or massage therapists perform) or acupuncture for your headaches? Email me if you want more info. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Jenn

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

Still fighting it...I'm sorry Melody. That certainly throws a damper on life. But the photos are wonderful - I hope you are up and feeling well for Fiesta! It sounds fun. Take care of yourself...

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

Beautiful shots! I hope that they find the right combo for you soon -- I'm sure that you are MORE than ready!

April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie

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