Spring Break

We just finished a whole week of Spring break. And what a great week it was. We really did nothing. We made no plans, we woke up way too late, we stayed in our jammies all day long. Well, the rain kinda helped us make those decisions but there was no complaints from anyone here. We really needed the rain. And we really loved the break.
Natalya did attend horse camp last week. In the rain. But those horse crazy girls don't care if there's rain or shine. Being at the barn in the rain was way better than being at home in the sun. But she did have her first good fall off her horse. Had I gotten the news any other way than at pick up while seeing her I would have freaked out. But knowing she was fine while getting the news I was not so worried. Natalya got scared but that was all. She is the only one at her stables that wears a vest. And we are sooo glad that she does. She was back on the horse the next day without a worry. She's definitely not ready to give it up yet.
I had a senior session yesterday that brought back some creative energy for me. I had so much fun. I really can't wait to do it again. And to show you the pictures. Maybe tomorrow.
The top one here is My Best Shot for today but I had to show this one too.
This was the harem of wild turkeys that I had to stop for coming home from the barn one day last week. Funny. But funnier was the male that followed behind. He let them cross and then s l o w l y crossed after them ruffling his feathers like he was all that. Crazy creatures.
Happy Monday to ya!
Reader Comments (19)
man, am i glad we were gone!! but so happy it rained!! our yard was THIRSTTTTEEEE!!!!
annie would love horse camp...i'll have to see if they offer it this summer...maybe the girls could go together?!?
enjoy monday!!
those turkeys look so dignified -- like they own the road or something :).
It's so GREEN there! Oh, I long for that kind of greenness... Soon.
That first fall of a horse is a significant event. I can still remember mine (I think I was about 5 years old) as if it were yesterday. It teaches us to be more careful and thoughtful, and it teaches us how to get back on again.
Love your best shot. Wow, you handled the fall well, actually I probably would have handled it the same way by all accounts. But still scary. I'm glad she got back in right away, though. I can't believe you had Spring Break already! Wow.
I'm glad she's not ready to give up after 1 fall. I hate to say it, there will probably be others and it's always good to get right back up and conquer that fear as soon as possible. Given the rains and the fall sounds like she had an excellent time anyway. Yeah! :)
The reflection in the glasses turned out pretty neat.
Those turkeys are on a mission! Sounds like your girls had a great spring break. Sometimes the vacations with no plans are the best! Glad your daughter is ok with her fall! Happy Monday!
Love your best shot...very cool perspective on the shades. Funny catch, too, with the turkeys. Men are men...regardless of species. ;)
Very nice best shot. Makes me ready for some sunshine. The turkeys are hilarious too.
Those are some ultra cool shades. I like the perspective through then lenses. It's very circular, you know?
GAH! Your blog isn't updating in newsgator (my new RSS feed reader!) - So I've missed you! I'm reading through all of your past month now...I should've known better and just clicked over here.
But LOVE the BSM...and I'm glad that your Spring Break was restful, as it should be!
Glad you all had a peaceful, calm weekend (and that the fall wasn't serious). I really like your best shot - very cool!
Great Best Shots! Horse camp sounds wonderful--falling not so much! Glad to hear all was well.
Oh wow! That is scary, glad she is ok and got back on. My little guy fell off last year and is stilll hesistant....
Sounds like a lovely week...I can't wait to have a day like that...soon!!
Cute story about the turkeys.....funny little birds.
I can't believe you've already had spring break. Zoe's isn't until the first Monday in April.
I love how the focus in your shot is of the earpiece shown through the lens. It adds great perspective.
It sounds like your spring break was just heavenly. Relaxing is just what I need right now.
Dont you love creative energy?! Its so great when something inspires you. The first shot is wonderful. Great processing and I love the simplicity. Crazy turkey harem! :o)
This week is spring break here!! Oh my goodness, the turkeys are too funny. Glad Natalya is okay!
i love the aviators..too bad my bridge is not tall enough , i look funny wearing them!
You are not a real rider until you've had a fall. Or something like that. Good o N for getting back on the horse! :-)