Wii Are Celebrating

The Mondays keep coming, don't they? We had a nice weekend, mostly. The Grandparents came in from CA to visit. The girls had been counting the days. This week Natalya turns 8. And she's a bit under the weather. Oddly enough, she gets sick every year in February. We made it through the whole season with no illnesses but we expected it to come this week. It didn't disappoint us. Today is day two and she seems to be getting better so hopefully she'll be back to normal by Saturday for her first ever slumber party. Remember those days? The most pressing discussion has been what movie they'll watch as they stay up 'til "10:00". Apparently Natalya thinks 10:00 is late ;-).
Part of Natalya's birthday present was a Wii. We let her (and us) enjoy it a little early. I've had to ban Vienne from bowling cuz she just can't get the hang of it and ends up so frustrated. But other than that it we are having a blast with it. But I'm totally convinced that I'm better at real tennis than I am at Wii tennis but oh well. And I hate to admit that I was sore the after the first day. You really have to move to play. Am I right? Someone back me up, cuz I don't want to know it's just me getting old. Anyone?
Reader Comments (21)
How fun! Happy Birthday Natalya...hope she feels better soon. LOVE the shot! and your point of view :)
Yes, you're right. My arm was sore from bowling and tennis at first. And now I have the Wii Fit - oh man.
And Happy Birthday, Natalya!
You are TOTALLY right! I was seriosuly sore after the first day with the wii. Love the wide angle perspective in this shot. Happy birthday, Natalya!
How fun! And happy birthday to her! And you're not old, you're totally right -- that wii can really make you sore!
What a fun pic ! I always look forward to your posts. Your so talented and you family is beautiful ! Your blog is actually the FIRST blog I ever read! You inspired me to start blogging. I however do not a fancy camera or know the least about taking pics, but you inspired me to share my story . Thank You it is so much fun! And Yes the Wii is decieving you have no idea you actually excercising till the next day!!!
We have yet to jump on the Wii bandwagon...but hear that it's a hoot and apparently a kick in the pants in some cases ;)
Happy early Birthday to Natalya! A sleepover....ahh, to be young again~
this will make you feel better: after playing wii bowling all xmas day when we got it, harrison woke up the next morning and said he must have slept on his arm funny, b/c it hurt. we had to make him take a few wii bowling days off :).
hope the bday celebrations are wonderful! happy 8th bday natalya!
yeah you do! gotta get into it... and move lots playing wii! i agree on tennis... i KNOW i can play better in real life!
that makes me laugh too... the other night we found this "training" on the sports disk... you gotta do it... i got SO winded punching that darn bag in boxing! my arms were gonna pop off... i just know it! :D REALLY!
Natalya is going to have such a fun slumber party... nothing better than a group of giggly girls !
I was sore too the first time I played. It is really fun though. I love the perspective of your photo. Very cool.
That's funny....I am WAY better at Wii bowling than I am in real life...I even beat all of the guys in my family and drive them insane. I hope Natalya feels better - seems like everyone has been sick!
you are definitely not old! the boxing? oh, my, god! couldn't lift my arms the next day. at all!
it is now nearing 10pm here, and I must get to sleep...it is SO late! :-)
I've heard good things about the Wii, and yes, I"ve heard you can get sore from it. ;) Happy birthday to Natalya this week! That is a bummer she got sick, though. Hopefully she will be over it all by her slumber party.
Yes I was sore too after Wii initially....how fun :o) I also have had to ban certain games due to Lindsey's frustration...our latest is Wii fit...fun too :o) Slumber party??Didn't I just come see you in the hospital with her??? What a beautiful big girl........have fun and hope she feels better.....
I haven't play Wii but I heard you do get sore and get a good workout! SO it's not you :)
Great perspective in your Wii shot! I've never played one but if there's the chance of getting sore maybe the Wii fit is more than just meets the eye. I hope you guys get lots of use out of it. :) Hope she gets well soon too.
Wiis are great for the whole family!!! And beautiful shot.
Believe it or not you can play some wii games sitting on the couch! I like those, but i do jump up for some just because you can't stop playing once you started! Happy Birthday Natalya! Have a great party!!
I cannot get excited about wii. I think it's because the games do not really replicate the skills you need for the real thing. Like you and the tennis for example. I am willing to bet that the Williams sister do not practise their tennis skills on wii. In fact I bet they suck at wii tennis hahahaha
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