
Best Shot at Tracey's, as always.
To all that have emailed or have commented about Hurricane Ike, thanks for your concern. We did batten down the hatches a bit. But we lucked out and got nothing from it but lots of wind. It's amazing how just a 4 hour difference can make in the path of a hurricane. Lots of people stranded, though, and without homes and basic necessities. We count our blessings that we were spared this time. But, of course, in chaos, you kind of wonder what you would do? How would we have prepared? Where would we have gone? What would we have packed in our car and taken with us? What would you take?
We had an uneventful weekend because we thought we were going to be stuck inside with rain. We swam on Saturday and actually enjoyed the sun and Texas heat. Every time we swim now I wonder if it will be the last time for the year. Because it seems like it should be. But the water was still a warm 84 degrees. Yesterday we spent the day with the grands. Nice.
Reader Comments (18)
Love the texture on that shot - beautiful!
I was thinking about my dear internet friends in Texas and my cousin in Houston. Glad you made it through just fine. The news was so dire on Friday night, so I was really hoping it wouldn't hit like their worst-case scenarios. Glad it was better than expected, but still so much damage and hardship for people right now.
That's quite a thought-provoking photo. I've often tried to think "What would I take with me?" and then when our kitchen caught fire that was the furthest thing from my mind. As long as my kids were safe. I'm really glad you're all OK.
I am glad you are all okay. I am sure that it was scary. I love your shot.
Oh that is a beaut of a shot! The texture and color is lovely.
I'm so glad you guys were spared, and that Ike wasn't as bad as originally anticipated!
I think I would for sure take scrapbooks, my backup drive with my photos, camera, the girls, the cats, a bear and two blankies. The necessities, you know? :-)
we missed it too ~ so sad it really got south TX ~ the color and sangle in your photo is super!
Glad to hear that things are well. LIke everyone else, I love the texture in that shot -- it makes it so pefect!
It's such a great shot - I love the way the light is hitting. Gorgeous. I don't know what I'd take with me, besides meds and pictures, but I'm glad you all were spared having to decide.
I'm glad you guys made it through okay. A few hours further north and west...we hardly got anything. Very little rain, almost no wind. I was expecting more.
Love the texture and bokeh in this shot...perfect for this post!
We used to live in Houston and have a lot of family and friends there...everyone we know is fine, but none of them have any power, lots of their offices are damaged and out of electricity too...I can't imagine what it would have been like if we still lived there! We had to evacuate during Rita and it took us TEN hours to get to San Antonio...we didn't have any kids at the time and it was horrible! I can't imagine having to do all of that with kiddos!
Beautiful, beautiful shot!
Glad to hear you didnt get caught in IKE. Seems every year they come one after another. Love this hsot. The texture and DOF is great.
love the bokeh in that shot. glad to hear all is well with you :).
Such a cool old suitcase/briefcase. I love the perspective. Glad to hear everyone is ok!
Glad you all were safe and had a nice weekend!
The colors really pop. Great processing.
The radio today talked about how prepared are you for a disaster? The suitcase hits it home.
What a cool shot. I love the old suitcase and all the texture! Glad you missed the eye of the storm - so to speak.
beautiful shot. glad to hear you're all well.
I love your blog. I found it on another blog and love your photos! I'll be back!
Glad it passed you by!