Horse Show

Natalya had her first ever horse show on Saturday. She had horse camp this week and on Saturday all of the parents got to come and watch what the campers had learned. Proud moment, let me tell you. Not only for us but for herself as well.
They got to paint their horses before the show. Natalya rides a horse named Holly.
And, no, it's not everyday you see an English rider learning to barrel race...
...or pole bend...
...or learning to rope. But I guess this camp was mostly geared towards Western riding. Who knows, she may one day decide to ride in the rodeo instead.
And here are her boots all done up fancy with some texture. Natalya actually saw this picture and said that I made her boots look dirty. I don't know which will be My Best Shot for today. I'll think about it and get back to you. ;-)
Reader Comments (24)
Hehe, her comment about the boots is too funny!
She looks both so cute and so BIG riding that horse! My favorite part is her oh-so-focuseed expression while roping. Way to go, Natalya!
What pride she obviously takes in riding and her dirty boots for her, mama. :)
There's a riding camp very close my MIL. Mia's only 2 1/2 now, but I'm sure she'll wanna go.
LOVE that they got to paint their cool is THAT?
All your shots are fave is the roping one....what concentration.
How exciting!! She looks like a natural....
I love these! What is it with girls and horses?
The boots are fantastic... a true keepsake!
I love the pic of her roping. It's that expression on her face..very intense concentration. How fun! And painting horses, I never would have thought of that! Thanks for the B-day gift by the way...I got it this weekend. Love the colors!!!!
She looks like she was having a wonderful time! I can imagine that she had so much fun at horse camp. I think they were trying to convert her to western riding, huh? I think I started roping around her age, and that was one of the funnest parts of rodeo for me. :)
Awesome pictures! Although I have to admit it is a little strange seeing her go around barrels and poles in an english saddle. But I'm glad they encouraged her to do a lot of different events. Western is different from english and if she ever gets a chance to ride a western saddle she'll be surprised.
I love the fact she got to pain her horse! What fun. My step daughter likes to paint hers up for parades all the time. I hope she had tons of fun and gets to continue riding in the future.
The roping shot is the best! I LOVE the concentration on her face! Go, cowgirl, go!
I agree that roping shot is really cool. She is concentrating so hard and I love how the rope is all twisting around. I can see why you are so proud.
i like the roping pic the best. her concentration and the fact that you captured her mid-twirl really make the shot.
Wow, she's a doll and I LOVE her boots!
I agree with you that it's a tough call to pick a favorite out of this bunch! For me it's between the roping and the boots - I love the texture!!
LOVE those boots!
Oh, I love the "dirty boots!" I'm very into vintage and texture right now - that one is rockin!
What do they use to "paint" the horses? I don't think I've ever seen that! We are a little city here...and I have never even been on a horse, so I am doubly impressed with N. and all of her riding talent!
I just love Natalya's expression in the one of her roping...soooo determined. She is just beautiful!!!
Those are ALL great! Love her boots....she looks like a pro! I like the textured one too, looks great on that picture.
Yee Haw! My kids are just the opposite, they ride English in Western wear! I love the one of her roping....she is honed in on those horns! Great shots, I always enjoy your blog~
What a doll! How funny she thought the boots looked dirty like that, I think it's cool. But I like texture. As a kid in south Dakota (more cowboy country) I learned English riding too.
How cute!! She is adorable on that horse. Love the riding outfit. ~Jill :)
I really love the"dirty" boots, the texture suits the shot perfectly, very vintagey. What a big girl she is! I love that they get to paint their horses, too.
Wow she looks like such a big girl in these photos!!! I bet you were very proud!
These are great! I couldn't pick a favorite...
how exciting for her AND you! imagine roping and barrel racing...oh wait, that's live in rigeuer I suppose!